Kindness Counts!

Lita was explaining she had no-one to play with when Dolly overheard and said “I will play with you”. Off they went and played beautifully, sharing, smiling and working together for the rest of the day. Kindness counts!

Ibrahim is such a smiley, positive boy! He always attempts everything with enthusiasm and joy- it’s infectious! Kindness counts!

Postcards galore!

The children kept amazing me today! Ines and Reign wrote an amazing sentence using our new digraph ‘ur’ today. They remebered capital letters, finger spaces and full stops! And Sergei shared some amazing historical facts for the (Year) One Show newspaper article! I got to be a journalist and my arm got tired with all the facts he kept sharing!

Safe Touch in Crew

In TGB Thursday crew we focused on being kind. Respecting peoples bodies and understanding what body parts must not be seen and touched by others. As well as parts of the body that can be safely touched for high 5s, pats on the back, taps on the leg, cuddles etc.

Superstar Zara!

The (year) One Show

Today, Mrs Bubb hosted our very own (Year) One Show with Mini Historians as the guests. Tune in to hear ‘What Lies within The castle Walls’. Every child will be interviewed this week, some will be journalists and write their own responses!

We are writers!

Today, we learned how to write a recount about Thursday’s banquet. We really looked carefully at how we could could achieve gold and green standard. First, we needed to order the events. Then we used recount sentence starters in our speaking. After that, we were ready to write it down! Mrs Bubb was so impressed with how much we learned. Some of our writing was amazing!