Expedition Engineers

This morning in Expedition we had a special visitor, who is a Headteacher in America and he loved how the children collaboratively made their catapults. We then compared catapults against Crew Bubb and had a battle outside! #LovePlover

Bedtime Story Night

We’d like to invite all our KS1 families to join us for a snuggly night at school. Please come in your pyjamas ready to snuggle up with a hot chocolate, cookies and some good books. We will end the evening all together in our shared area listening to some lovely new stories read by Mrs Bubb. We hope you can make it. Thursday 10th November at 5pm. We should be finished by 5.45pm and return home all relaxed and sleepy 😴 ready to dream about the awesome adventures our books take us on. SEE YOU THERE X

Reading at Home Rewards!

Great to these children Jayce, Neveah, Alec, Rachel, Sulieman, Raegan, Kodie-Lee, Mason all reading at home during half term and this week! Dip in the choice boy for their hard work. #LovePlover

Pride of PLovers in 1M

Well done to Chase for working hard on your handwriting in Year 1 so far!

Well done to Rachel for winning the yellow t-shirt the week before half term for always going above and beyond with her learning and kindness! #LovePlover

Getting Smart and Being Kind

Shout out to Kodie-Lee who did awesome with his phonics and handwriting today.

Chase and Angelica have been so kind to other friends as well as working hard on their learning!

1M played lovely this afternoon making sure everyone had a friend to play with! #LovePlover

Plover Praise Postcards

Lucas, Sienna, Harper and Ivanna were working hard in English and expedition.

Mason was so helpful and kind towards everyone all day today.

Sulieman was getting smart over half term practising his reading and mathematics!

We are Story Tellers!

In English/Expedition this morning the children sorted out goodies, baddies and different settings from classic fairy tales!

Shout out to Lucas, Harper and Sienna who drew our changed settings and characters! #LovePlover