Making Music

1M have been doing charanga during this half term with Mr Schofield. They have been exploring different musical instruments, how to make music and beats with their body parts and creating different rhythms. #LovePlover

Authentic Avaarni

Just WOW! Check out this astonishing piece of home learning Avaarni has created using her engineering skills to craft a beautiful owl collage. #LovePlover

Science Experiment

1M loved being scientists and doing an experiment to investigate which bean will grow into the best plant. One with water and darkness, one with water and sunlight or one with just sunlight. #LovePlover

WOW Badges

Well done to our children in Crew Meade who either walk, cycle, scooter or park and stride to school. Exercising to school is healthy for you and the environment remember! #LovePlover

Expedition Learning Labs

In expedition today the children learnt about different parts of a food chain – what is a producer and what are consumers. They used their knowledge from last week about herbivores and carnivores. #LovePlover