Crew Meade learned about the damaging causes of global warming this morning, then discussed how we can make a positive change to slow down climate change! We debriefed by popcorning realistic pledges to show how we can make a difference… #LovePlover
Category : 22/23 Y1: Mr Meade’s Blog
Recount in English Expedition
Children collaborated superbly during their do now and starter. First they had to sort the words into a time adverbial or imperative verb – which all crews got correct. Then they sorted the pictures from yesterday’s cooking workshop and put them in order.
Funky Phonics
Yesterday, we started our funky phonics club. It was just lovely! We played games, finger painted and played games on the ipad. If you missed it this week, be sure to come next week. (You will have got an invite from Mrs Bubb with details if you should come).
Spring Handwriting Competition
You produced such lovely poems when we held our Autumn handwriting competition, I thought it would be a good idea to update our display with poems that reflect the coming season – Spring.
Choose an appropriate poem from the selection attached to this blog and copy it out beautifully, using your best handwriting and presentation.
You can decorate it and use colour if you wish.
Please give completed poems to Mrs Graves by Monday 6th March.
Mrs Graves
Mmm Pasta
The children loved tasting the pasta they had cooked which included onions, carrots, peppers and cheese!

Expert Cook Adele
Thank you to Adele for teaching our children how to cook a vegetarian meal – we can’t wait to try the pasta bake! #LovePlover

Ladies in Pigs Expert – Cooking Workshop
Children in Y1 enjoyed learning about British produced foods and then followed instructions to learn how to make pizzas! #LovePlover
Hook day!
What an amazing day we had in Year 1! Observational paintings of fruit, drawing tutorials of fruit, blind taste testing, dancing! It’s been a great way to start this half term. So many great Howls today too!!!! Well done Year 1 Crew!
Working Hard Jayce
Well done to Jayce for being super proud for working hard on his reading, spellings and homework, as well as his writing in school today!