Calling All Parents and Carers…

SATs are rapidly approaching and your children may need some encouragement to become leaders of their own learning.  They have already brought home a list of various online sites that are helpful and I hope they have been used.  If they haven’t, there’s still plenty of time.  Perhaps you could draw up a reision timetable with them so they can organise thier time effectively?

Children should be practising the spelling of all Y5/6 words which have been split into groups of fifteen and are tested in lots of fifteen weekly.  In addition, they need to continue to speed up their recall of all multiplication facts up to 12 x 12.   There are many online games which help with this.

This week, I will be sending home some additional work to help prepare your child for their SATs exams.  Please encourage them to complete this work to the best of their ability rather than just rushing through it.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Mrs H