Almost Half Term!

Good morning Key Stage 1!

A rather long blog this morning so please stay with me! Today is the last day of a long half term and then you all get a much deserved break. I think we are ready for it!

There are still live lessons for English and Maths today and then there is a quiz for expedition to see how much you have learnt about animal classifications this week. Unfortunately, Mrs Coward won’t be available for live lessons again today but you can use the links below to access your learning.

*Please note, if you are in class 1/2C or 1M, there will not be a live Maths lesson today because 2P are doing a different topic to you. There is a link to your independent maths learning below.*

Here are the links for the google classroom. You may need your school email to login. Remember to click on each task and then on the document that has been attached. After you have done your learning, simply click on ‘hand in’. Try to come to the live lessons if you can, it will make all of the resources make much more sense.

2P Classroom

1/2C Classroom

1M Classroom

Complete your feelings check in first. You can share in the comments box if you wish to.

If you are having any problems, there are links below that will allow you to access the learning as well:

Here is the link for the English Online Learning taking place today at 9.15am:

English lesson 9.15am

English Live lesson 9.15am

Phonics resource link (please choose resources that match your child’s phonics phase if possible):

Phonics resources

Here is the link for the Maths Online Learning taking place today at 10.50am. (Remember that the live lesson is for 2P only today)

2P Maths lesson 10.50am

2P Maths live lesson 10.50am

1/2C and 1M Maths lesson – independently lead (no live lesson today I’m afraid)

Here is the link for the Expedition Online Learning today. This is a quiz to see how much you have managed to learn about animal classifications this week. It is so easy to understand that it doesn’t really need  live lesson to explain it. You can do this at any time today.

Expedition lesson 1.15pm

As it is the end of the week, I thought I would add an extra story for you to enjoy here:

And finally, I thought you might enjoy an idea for a simple game that will allow you to be a bit more active whilst we are stuck in our houses:

Please try to complete and send in your work.  If there are any problems, please contact me or the school office.

Have a great day and enjoy your week off!

Mr Pickering