We’ve had a great first day back to kick off our Autumn term expedition “Are Robots the Future?”.
We started the day by thinking about what we already think we know about Robots and then thought about what more we would like to learn, for example, did you you they have robots in space?
We have used are critiquing skills to decide how we can improve our learning environment and then spent some time creating hub-shaped decorations to add to our English display.
This afternoon our collaboration skills we put to the test with a problem solving activity – how do we work together to build a giant robot-shaped puzzle – it was not as simple as it sounds – we really had to talk to our team-mates and plan ahead to ensure we all had a clear role.
We are looking forward to dressing as a robot tomorrow and having a film afternoon.
Just a reminder that we are having our family learning event on Wednesday 4th September 2-3pm – parents and guardians are invited to join in the crafting fun! Please could we have any clean empty tin cans and any nuts, bolts, milk bottle tops etc to help us create our own tin can robots to decorate our room.