Raising funds for the Plover pantry by washing staffā€™s cars 💙

Today yearā€™s 5&6 children washed staff cars to raise funds to buy healthy foods to donate to our Plover pantry. As part of our expeditionary learning we have been looking at the importance of eating a balanced diet. We therefore decided to raise funds so we can provide a selection of healthy foods. Thank you to all staff members who allowed us to wash your cars!

-Miss Blackham


Sun cream, sun hats, sunglasses and extra water!

Just a reminder to 5/6 parents to ensure children come to school wearing sun cream and they have appropriate protection from the sun such as hats snd sunglasses if you feel necessary for when they are outside. Extra water is also advised. Thank you for your support.

-Miss Blackham


We are physicians!

6H have had an afternoon of blood and gore! Well done to you all! However, should I ever need heart surgery, I think I shall to head to hospital rather than come to you guys! We clearly have some budding doctors in the class. Special shout outs to Dahin and Kiera who displayed so much curiosity and intrigue that I didnā€™t think they would ever stop exploring. Shout out also for Lola. Prior to doing this dissection, she was adamant that she would not be able to join in, but she did and she was fabulous!

Mrs Haycock


Proud Plover

A huge shout out to Razvan, Matthew, William, Anez, Mohammed, Kyle, Shyaw, Shashank, Abdul, John-Henry, Corey, Harrison, Agrima, Ashton, Noah and Dalton!

These footballers represented Plover superbly this afternoon at the XP football tournament, showing courage, sportsmanship and played some great football!

Unfortunately, our teams didn’t win the trophy but they were in with a chance of winning it going into the last game! Well done to Green Top 🏆

Thank you parents for your cooperation and support!

We are proud of every single person who took part this afternoon!🙌🏽😅☀️⚽️🥇

Mr Meade


We are medical detectives!

6H have been considering the medical techniques that were used, both successfully – to some degree – and dramatically unsuccessfully, in the 1600ā€™s and those which have been used in more recent years. They were able to sort the techniques used into the categories: THEN, NOW and BOTH.

Well done guys!

Mrs Haycock


We are mini first aiders!

6H have loved the mini first aid training they experienced today. Thank you to Zoe who led the sessions. All children have received their qualification as mini first aiders – great work guys!

Extra shout out to Blake from Y5.

Miss Topliss said, “Should I ever need CPR, I hope Blake is around – he was straight on it, just fabulous!”

Mrs Haycock


First aid training!

6B really enjoyed first aid training this morning. They found it very informative and now know what to do in situations where CPR needs to be performed, when chocking occurs and what to do for cuts and burns. Your children will have brought home their qualification certificates this afternoon.

Thank you for parents/carers for supporting this qualification!

-Miss Blackham


Y5/6 Football Tournament

Good afternoon,

Just a reminder that some Y5/6 children are going to XP tomorrow afternoon for a football tournament: Razvan, William, Shyaw, Anez, Kyle, Shashank, Mohammed, Dalton, Ashton C, John-Henry, Agrima, Matthew P, Harrison, Abdul, Noah, Corey.

Children are to bring football boots (rubber studs) or trainers, shin pads, water bottles and sun cream (looking at the forecast it will be a sunny)!

School will provide the children with a football kit (shirt, shorts, socks).

Children will leave Plover at 12.50pm and arrive back at school for 2.45pm.

Thank you to the parent volunteers who have offered to help!

Any questions, feel free to email me on [email protected]


Mr Meade