Exploring capacity and volume

This week in maths, we have been exploring capacity and volume. 1N love to get hands on with their learning. They have predicted and counted how many spoons it takes to fill various sized containers and jugs. Well done 1N

Crew Newton

Yesterday, our year 1 crews loved spending their crew attendance cash on a McDonalds. Here is Crew Newton. #LovePlover

1M Pride Of Plover

Congratulations to Almina who is this week’s yellow t-shirt winner for her excellent attitude towards learning and her compassion towards other children! #LovePlover

Thanks Year 6!

Although it was a little bit scary at first we welcomed year 6 during crew yesterday to share our expedition learning. After we got comfortable we were amazed at what they had been learning – we were particularly grossed out that they had been dissecting hearts in science! Iā€™m proud of you year 2ā€™s and thank you so much for helping us feel comfortable year 6! x


Presenting our Expedition learning- Year 6 to Year 2!

Year 2 and 6 paired up this morning to present their Expeditionary learning to one another. It was great to see such a buzz in the classroom as children shared their learning journeys this term. Year 6 have learnt so much about KS1’s Expedition and they were so impressed with how much work they have done this term!

-Miss Blackham


Crew Abbiss

Today we thought about moving into year 3. We made anchor charts about what makes us feel excited and what makes us feel worried, this helped us to have conversations to prepare us for transition days next week!

Mrs Abbiss.


We’re All Wonders

Children have been working in small groups this morning to complete a reading comprehension about our key text!

They shared some brilliant answers about how we are all humans and can all be kind, even if we all look, sound or move differently.

Atlas independently sorted pictures of Plover past and present and then created his own school! #LovePlover

Movement Maths

Children have been recapping maths this week and today we did a lesson just on moving our bodies and using manipulatives to measure height! #LovePlover