Y5/6 Football Tournament After School Today

Hi all

Just a reminder to the Y5/6 football children that we have a football tournament on Intake Playing Field on Sandringham Road 3.30pm-4.45pm.

Can all children bring football boots/trainers, shinpads, waterbottle and PE Kit please.

Parents are to pick up (unless child is walking home on their own) from Intake Sports Hall and Healthy Living Centre, 97 Sandringham Rd, Doncaster DN2 5JA


Mr Meade

New Year 5&6’s summer reading challenge!

We are calling all our new year 5 & 6’s to join in our summer reading challenge. We would love to see you all reading books in weird and wonderful places! You can be as creative as you like, reading upside down at home, reading in your local park, reading on holiday, reading anywhere!

We would love you to email your photos to [email protected] and we will select some winners at our first crew community meet in September! I can’t wait to see where you read and I am so excited to share the fabulous prizes we have sorted for our winners!

Keep reading!

-Miss Blackham


Year 6 pass out!

Just a reminder Year 6 pass out is tomorrow at 1:45. Parents are welcome to join their children on the field for a picnic one last time before they will line up and be individually clapped out by the rest of the school and parents on our red carpet. Our Year 6’s have been amazing this year and they deserve their time to shine tomorrow. We would be so appreciative to everyone who comes to join us to cheer our Year 6’s on as they leave Plover.

On Thursday Year 6 will go and spend the afternoon at Hatfield water park on the inflatables and they will be treated to chip butty’s from the local chip shop for their last school meal.

I really feel privileged to have worked with such amazing children this year and I’m looking forward to spending the next two days with you before you go on to your next part of your journey.

You are all amazing and you will always be part of our Plover crew!

-Miss Blackham
