We are amazing artists!

We have been working really hard in Years 3 and 4 to produce portraits of our key artist: Henry Moore. Just look at this beautiful work to be proud ofā€¦

Every child needs to be proud of their achievements this week. I hope they take on their next artistic challenge of working with the media that Moore had available to him during World War Two with as much enthusiasm and support for each other as they have over the last few daysā€¦true crew!

Mrs Haycock


Celebration Of Learning F1/F2

On Wednesday 4th December, at 9:15, we invite all EYFS parents/carers to come along to our celebration of learning! The children will be showing off some of their learning from throughout our expedition, and then presenting chosen charities/care homes with some teddy bears and care packages, that they have raised money to purchase. This will then be followed by a teddy bears picnic with your child, back in classrooms. Nursery afternoon children, you are invited to join us at 9:15 with your grown up’s to celebrate your learning, then come back to school later on for their normal afternoon session. We hope to see lots of you there! All parents must sign in via the office, nursery PM children only to enter via the office with their parents too.



We are artists!

We have been using the skills that we have been building up recently to sketch a portrait of our key artist: Henry Moore. Our skills of observation and proportion have improved dramatically and I cannot wait to see the finished portraits later this week!

Keep looking carefully and working hard everyone. Your artwork is fabulous!

Mrs Haycock


We are getting quicker!

Dictionary use has been a challenge to say the least! However, with regular practise, and a little bit of healthy competition, we are now becoming so much quicker at finding our key Speedy Reading words!

Well done 3H, youā€™re working so hard!

Mrs Haycock


We Care Wednesday: Friendship

We have been thinking really carefully about what makes a good friend during our We Care Wednesday Crew sessions. We have thought about friendships such as Shrek and Donkey; R2D2 and C3PO; and Woody and Buzz. We considered how we knew that they were friends and what they would do if they ever had a falling out. Then we thought about our own friendships and how we could react or respond to our friends if we ever fall out.

Well done everyone, letā€™s look after each other and do all we can to support and care for each other.

Mrs Haycock


1CU Take a Trip to the Woods!

This week, 1CU had the opportunity to visit Sandall Beat Woods and learn all about life in the past as part of our expedition From Rags to Riches. We made a shelter that became our medieval castle, created our own knight armour out of recycled milk bottles and even experienced cooking stew and bread over an open fire! Then we got to put our armour to the test in our very own battle with flour bombs to see which team would be made the champions!

The children had the best time and are still talking about all the fun they had at the end of the week!

Crew Farrow and Crew Graves/Robertson only (not 4F and 4GR)

We were lucky enough as crews to win the Community Crew prize on Friday. Children has requested that we have a dress up as a book character day on Friday, and we thought this was a good idea.

Please do not go to any expense, but feel free to come dressed up on Friday 18th October.

Mrs Graves


We are Historians

This week we have been learning about how different items were rationed during WW2. We have looked at the cause and impact of rationing and why it was needed. We also did some problem solving on how we would spend our coupons on items of clothing during that time.

Miss Brown
