Y1 enjoyed a refreshing milkshake this afternoon as they’ve all completed their final lot of assessments in their reading, phonics, SPaG and maths! #LovePlover
Crew Collage
Crew Meade made a collage of all pur different body parts on our face, so show how diverse we are but that we are all one Crew! #LovePlover
Super Ralph
Ralph is our superstar this week for wearing his glasses everyday in class! #LovePlover
Sharing Stories
We are beginning to think ahead to next year and our Autumn Expedition in LKS2.
Do you know anybody (Grandparents, family members, friends or organisations) who would be willing to share their experiences of World War (at home or in the forces) with our children to help them with their learning?
If you know of anyone, please could you let Mrs Graves know, so that we can begin to plan ahead.
Thank you for your support,
Mrs Graves
3D Shapes!
Today, in 2K we have been looking at 3D shapes. The children did a gallery walk around the classroom to look at all the different shapes and write down all the things they noticed about the 3D shapes.
Great work 2K!! #LovePlover
Year 1 sports day practice
Well done year 1 for trying really hard at some of the events in preparation for sports day. Keep up the good work!
Girls Football Teams
Family Learning Session
(Last Tuesday)
What a full on, busy but beautiful afternoon spending time with our fantastic families exploring different activities and cultures from around the world!
A huge shout out to our generous families who brought in lots of delicious food!
Thank you to Atlas’ mum for her live cooking and allowing some children to help her cook.
Thank you to Aseel’s mum for sharing some wonderful clothing and henna patterns.
Thank you to Aarav’s mum for her dancing experience.
Rufus the Historian
1M were blown away by Rufus’ historical knowledge about WW2 and his model spitfire he had made at home with his grandad! 10CC Rufus – amazing speaking! #LovePlover
Yellow T-Shirt & Ice Pops
Well done to Charlie who is our pride of Plover for showing courage by taking part in PE and for coaching other children in their maths learning!
Today has been scorching, so the children have enjoyed a nice refreshing ice pop to help cool them down. This was after they’d drawn their Plover logos, done their writing and spent some time reading for pleasure! #LovePlover