-Miss Blackham
-Miss Blackham
Dersim challenged herself in maths this morning. She led her own learning by using our teacher model video to support her working through fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions. By using the teacher model, she was able to identify her misconception and work through it to get to the correct answer. What a superstar! 10 crew coins!
-Miss Blackham
Well done to these guys, who have passed their quiz at 85% or above this week. Keep it up! #LovePlover
Well done to Crew Thomson for being the average HOWL winners. Decide with Mrs Thomson what your little treat will be. #LovePlover
Year 6’s super spellers this week…
Keep practising the spelling of those Y5/6 words everyone – and don’t forget to recap the 3/4 ones too!
Mrs Haycock
The winners this week were once again really proud of their achievements…well done to each of you!
Who will have the best accuracy and improvement scores next week?
Mrs Haycock
I just wanted to give a shout out to the children in KS2 and staff (Mrs Thomson and Miss Kier), who have been staying after school to do reading club.
It has really been picking up and thanks to parents for supporting the children to attend the club.
Keep up the good work guys!
Mrs Graves
Well done to this week’s winners, you had the top scores in your class in this week for arithmetic. Well done! #LovePlover
Well done to our crew community shout out winners this week! We are so proud of you all!
-Miss Blackham