Last week, Year 5 were treated to an ice cream for working hard, getting smart and being kind. Year 5 have been working really hard to ensure they are scoring well on their HOWLs so this treat was very well deserved!
-Miss Blackham
Last week, Year 5 were treated to an ice cream for working hard, getting smart and being kind. Year 5 have been working really hard to ensure they are scoring well on their HOWLs so this treat was very well deserved!
-Miss Blackham
Thank you to stronger communities for coming into school to talk to our year 5/6’s about anti social behaviour and what they need to do if they see it in the streets. It is really important to stay safe at all times but especially with the school holidays soon approaching.
-Miss Blackham
Thank you to everyone who stayed and played at Year 6’s chocolate bingo event. Also a huge thank you to everyone who donated prizes. We have some left over which will go towards the Year 6’s sweet treats at the theatre 🎭
We hope you enjoyed your chocolates and thank you for supporting ourfundraising 💙
-Miss Blackham
Year 2 and 6 paired up this morning to present their Expeditionary learning to one another. It was great to see such a buzz in the classroom as children shared their learning journeys this term. Year 6 have learnt so much about KS1’s Expedition and they were so impressed with how much work they have done this term!
-Miss Blackham
I would just like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to all the parents and carers who attended family learning in year 3 and 4 this afternoon. It was a wonderful turnout and the fabric prints the children have completed look great.
We can’t wait to start making the sweets to fill the beautiful jars the children have been decorating.
Once again, thank you.
Mrs Graves
Good afternoon,
Just a reminder for the Y3/4 children who are taking part in the football tournament this Friday 8th July.
The year 3 children are: Tommy W, Johnny, Darwin, Tim, Ara, Sumit, Lola, Shayen
The year 4 children are: Tommy B, Tommy R, Daniel, Kaziah, Hilihang, Dylan, Toni
School will provide children with a football shirt, shorts and socks. Can children please bring football boots or trainers, shin pads and a water bottle.
Thank you to the parent/carers who are helping transport children on the day, we will leave Plover at 12.35pm and be back for 2.45pm.
Any questions please email me [email protected]
Thanks #LovePlover
Well done to some of our Y5/6 children who took part in an entertaining rounders match against Norton Junior another XP primary at XP this afternoon! #SportsCrew #TrueCrew #LovePlover
Year 6 are overwhelmed with the amount of generations donations for our chocolate bingo event next Thursday 3:30-4:30pm.
Tickets will be 50p with lots of prizes to ne won and all monies raised will go to the London trip!
-Miss Blackham
I am asking children to be in school at 8:30am on Thursday 14th July. We aim to set off between 9 and 9:30am. Children will need a comfy pair of clothes to travel in. We will arrive in London at roughly 1:30pm. We will then go on the London Eye for 2:30pm. From there, we will go to Bubba Gump’s for tea and then to see Matilda the musical. We will then head back to the hotel.The following morning, on Friday 15th, we will have breakfast before heading to Legoland to spend the rest of the day exploring. We will set off home at roughly 4pm and call off for KFC on the way home. Children need to wear comfy clothes for this day.We will aim to be back at Plover for 8pm.
-Miss Blackham
We are so excited to welcome our 5/6 community to our three course meal this afternoon!
-Miss Blackham