Thank you to those children who took a postcard or QR code to their scout leader. You can now claim your hours for each session attended with stamp code GREEN5853
Mrs Shuka
23rd November 2022Mrs Shuka
Thank you to those children who took a postcard or QR code to their scout leader. You can now claim your hours for each session attended with stamp code GREEN5853
Mrs Shuka
21st November 2022Mrs Price
On Wednesday 30th November 2-3 pm we have our celebration of learning in the main hall. We would like to invite all EYFS parents and carers to attend our teddy bear’s picnic. The children will be sharing their learning.
Mrs Price
21st November 2022Mrs Shuka
I’m receiving a lot of requests from children to approve hours from weekly clubs. If you attend a club or class outside of school that isn’t already a learning destination, please ask them to scan this QR code or visit the website to join up. It’s quick, easy and free!
The request stamp code is for one-off activities only.
Thanks! Mrs Shuka
10th November 2022Mrs Shuka
The Stamp codes for our Autumn after school clubs are ready. Login to your dashboard and add the correct stamp code every time you attend a club. You can add a code for any club from this week onwards. I will be giving you some backdated hours, for last half term, so look out for them arriving soon.
8th November 2022Mrs Shuka
Thank you to all who attended our first Children’s University coffee morning and a special thank you to our parent ambassadors. It was lovely to see you all there. Children should have brought home their login details and club stamp codes will be available very soon. If you haven’t already signed up, letters are available outside the office.
Mrs Shuka
7th November 2022Mrs Shuka
Hope to see lots of you there!
Mrs Shuka
9th October 2022Mrs Price
Austerfield visit on Wednesday
Children do not need to wear uniform but will need to wear wellies and waterproofs. We will be sending them home on Tuesday for children to come to school in them on Wednesday.
We will be leaving school as close to 9 am as possible so please be at school by 8.45 so that we can toilet and get orange bibs on.
Thank you
Mrs Price and Miss Wood
7th October 2022Mrs Price
Several people have asked about when photos are. They will be next Friday, 14th October.
6th October 2022Mrs Graves
Choose a poem that is appropriate to your age.
Copy out the poem with beautiful handwriting and presentation.
Give your poem to Mrs Graves by the end of Tuesday 11th October.
I can’t wait to see your wonderful work!
Mrs Graves
21st September 2022Mrs Price
Next week we are going to be learning about old toys including old teddies in F2. Please can you send photos of any old toys that you might have. If we can look at them in school that would be great. We will keep them safe in the cupboard.
Thank you
Mrs Price