Celebration Of Learning

I am so incredibly proud of all of the F1 children that took part in our celebration of learning today. You performed the dance you have been working hard to learn, absolutely beautifully, and did some amazing singing.
The EYFS children were very excited to be presented with their recycling sticker, for their binā€™s at home, displaying their gorgeous artwork.

Look out for our recycling stickers on bin day, as you walk around Intake. Mines already on my bin at home – I hope yours is too!

Miss Wood


Local Artwork

Look at how fantastic 2L’s artwork has turned out! After a long process of drafting and critiquing, here are the children’s final drawings of Doncaster Deaf School. The children used their drawing and shading skills using their stippling, blending and hatching skills.

Well done to all of you, you have all persevered and created beautiful pieces of art.

Mrs Lewis


LKS2 Celebration of Learning

The celebration of learning event for Year 3 and 4 will take place this Friday 5th July at 2:00pm.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible to celebrate our expeditionary learning from this term!

The LKS2 team.

Good news for everyone

We were kindly given New Testaments for our Year 6 children from Good News for everyone (previously Gideons). We were able to give these out to all those who wanted one today. We talked about different people believing different things and it was their choice if they wanted one.

Mrs Price


Year 3 family learning

Today, year 3 enjoyed family learning in the hall, where we made chocolate fudge, chocolate pops, and engaged in different Fairtrade arts and crafts activities.

Where is the treasure?

In maths this week we are continuing to solve problems using direction and number bonds. The children had to read the clues and follow the directions. When they had found where the treasure was, there was another clue. Using 10 frames and their knowledge of number bonds, they had to solve the problem for the pirate.

Rishaa was confident at giving directions and tried to help her friends by drawing the directions as they moved. She realised that it depended which way you were facing for left and right and kept turning the paper round. She then realised that forwards and backwards didn’t match left and right!

Mrs Price


Behind the scenesā€¦.

A sneak peek behind the scenes in KS1 this afternoon. We have been movie stars this afternoon, filming videos in front of a green screen with Geoff! This will be for our final product and we are so excited to share it with you. A big thank you to Geoff for filming and Plover’s own experts Joe, Zuzanna and Rahoz for being the best directors EVER!