Year 5 have been dissecting hearts in science this afternoon. They have learnt all about the key components of a heart. They found it very interesting! Well done Year 5!
-Miss Blackham
Year 5 have been dissecting hearts in science this afternoon. They have learnt all about the key components of a heart. They found it very interesting! Well done Year 5!
-Miss Blackham
-Miss Blackham
Just a reminder that the London meeting is at 3:15pm tomorrow in my classroom (6B!) Please sign in at the office and I will meet you there ☺️
-Miss Blackham
Hopefully you will have seen Miss Blackham’s blog of our expedition launch on Friday. If not, maybe your child has told you about it? I know Lola couldn’t wait to tell her mum what we had been up to! 😂
Still not sure what I mean? On Friday, Y6 set forth on their new expedition: Why is it important to look after ourselves and each other? They learnt about the worst symptom of the Black Death: buboes!
See Miss Blackham’s post for the pics of our oozing buboes made from jam and custard donuts! Blurgh yet yum!
Mrs Haycock
This week’s yellow T-Shirt winner in 6H is Ellie. Both Mrs Thomson and myself noticed her focus, maturity and use of incredible manners throughout every SATs paper she sat. Considering that concentration can sometimes being challenging for Ellie, we were both blown away by the attitude she displayed in a stressful situation.
Well done Ellie.
Keep making great choices!
Mrs Haycock
Well done to all of our Y6 pupils who showed great resilience last week whilst sitting their SATs exams.
Thank you to KS1 who gave us moral support throughout with positive blogs and inspirational posters to keep our children going.
Thank you to EVERYONE in school for creeping around like mice all week so as there were no distractions.
-Miss Blackham
Year 6 have kicked off their expedition hook this morning and took on the role as plague doctors by taking out bacteria from buboes (jam and custard from donuts). They were in shock that doctors thought by cutting open the buboes they would be able to cure the patients! The children loved it!
-Miss Blackham
-Miss Blackham
Crew Meade would like to share their appreciations and congratulations to Y6 for all their hard work this week with sats! #LovePlover