These lovelies have been enjoying lunch times in the DEN with Mrs Blackham!
-Miss Blackham
These lovelies have been enjoying lunch times in the DEN with Mrs Blackham!
-Miss Blackham
The pupils below have caught my eye at some point this morning. They have been working hard, getting smart and being kind. Well done guys.
I wonder who will be awarded with postcards tomorrow? What will you do to catch my eye?
Mrs Haycock
This week, Agrima has been awarded the yellow t-shirt. She always pushes herself to be the best that she can be. Her aspirations are always high and she strives to achieve green standard daily as gold is simply not good enough for her!
Well done Agrima. You really do emulate every word of the Plover Pledge!
Mrs Haycock
-Miss Blackham
Lots of children and adults in our school were praised when visitors from our here XP trust visited Plover last week. Here are some of them showing off their postcards!
-Miss Blackham
On Thursday, Year 5 will still go swimming as normal. Therefore, please consider sending to children in either uniform or their own clothes, and then bringing their party clothes to get changed into once we return from swimming. We can give children time to get changed and ready for the party in the afternoon once they return to school. Thank you.
These three lovely children’s names were picked out of a hat for their amazing home learning! These children have completed an abundance of home learning which resulted in them winning a dinner at Nando’s with Mrs Blackham and Mrs Ogle! They really enjoyed themselves.
Well done you three!
-Miss Blackham
Year 5 have been preparing for a debate this afternoon (as well as swimming – what a busy morning). Linked to our story, ‘Pig Heart Boy’, we are gathering reasons for and against using pig hearts to support human transplant operations! #LovePlover
Inferring information about our new key text, from the cover alone, proved really successful today. However analysing our key character (Hannah) was more difficult than we first expected: we had to debug our historical fiction text first as there were quite a few phrases and pieces of vocabulary which had not come across before.
Awesome focus and pace of learning this afternoon guys, well done!
Mrs Haycock