Year 4 P.E

Year 4 had such a great time this morning learning how to communicate effectively in P.E. Some children were blindfolded while their partner gave clear instructions to make it from one place to another. They then moved on to working on their team work skills by moving across the playground inside hoops. What a super Crew they were!


Miss Wood & Miss Henderson

Family learning 🏛️🛡️🎨

Tomorrow is LKS2 family learning for year 3 and 4 which will start at 1:30 and finish at around 3. Family members are to sign in at the office and will join the children in completing different activities set up across the four classrooms. Also if you could bring in any spare cardboard to use to make Roman shields, that would be greatly appreciated.

Year 3&4 team


R.E in Year 2

Year 2 did so well this afternoon when taking part in a gallery walk! The children were looking at different visual representations of Jesus and we had such a good discussion about how people pictured him to look and why. They had such good ideas and opinions. Keep it up!


Miss Wood

Year 3 Hockey

Year 3 had so much fun this morning learning how to correctly hold a hockey stick and practice controlling the ball. What a great way to spend the morning in the sun!

Miss Wood & Miss Henderson

Read Write Inc Information session

There will be a Read Write Inc information session on Wednesday at 2.30. I will be showing you the parents information and how we teach phonics in school. All parents/carers are welcome but particularly parents and carers of F2 and KS1 children. If you would like to attend and haven’t let me know already please can you email me at [email protected].

I am looking forward to showing you the new resources and explaining the programme to you.

Mrs Price


E.Y.F.S Vehicles Celebration Event!

Thank you to all of our parents and carers who came to our celebration event today. I was very proud of all of our children and their amazing behaviour! With a special thank you to Dan from Doncaster council and his team! Also our ice cream man for providing all of our children with a free ice cream!! Thank you to all those who brought their vehicle to us at school, and gave up their time for the children and parents at Plover.

#Love Plover