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Our local community
Today we have been for a walk around the perimeter of the school grounds. We learnt about different types of houses in our community, including; semi detached, terrace, flats and bungalows. We spoke about what things were the same/different to school and our houses. We then made a bar chart of the different types of housing we live in, and drew pictures of different types of houses.
Mrs Williams
We are innovators
Today we have taken the tune of two nursery rhymes we know, and created our own song lyrics. We used music to share what we know about how caterpillars grow and change. Here are our performances!
Mrs Williams
Pride Of Plover
This week our Pride of Plover winners go to Lucas and Lilly! Both children have been working extremely hard with their learning and have shown great progress.

Mrs Williams
F1 Celebrate Shrove Tuesday
F1 have enjoyed learning about Shrove Tuesday today. We learnt how to make pancakes and most of all, enjoyed eating them. We practised how to use our knife and fork and used lots of mathematical language, such as first/then/next.
Mrs Williams
Doubling is the same on both sides
We used butterflies today to help us make amounts the same. The children worked in pairs to say how numbers are made.
Mrs Price
Information from the Family hub
If you have younger children, you might find this information helpful. If you would like more information on the Family hub please come and see me.
Mrs Price
we are artists!
This week we have been looking at using emotion in our drawing. We practised drawing happy flowers, that grew tall from having lots of sun/water. Then we had a go at drawing sad, droopy looking flowers, that had not had everything they needed to help the, grow.
Mrs Williams
Pride of Plover
This week our Pride of Plover winners are Ollie and Kara. We are so pleased with the personal progress both of these children have made. Ollie is beginning to engage with activities and his speech is developing. Kara is always a kind friend and has become much more confident to access things in school independently. Kara has also worked hard on her letter formation. Keep it up super stars!

Mrs Williams
Using a knife and fork
The children enjoyed making beans on toast this morning. They practiced spreading the spread and then using their knife and fork to eat their beans on toast. Some children found it tricky but they tried really hard.
Mrs Price
How have our plants grown and changed?
We have had lots of discussion today around how our cress and beanstalk have grown. We discussed how they looked the same/different, and noticed both plants have leafs! Looking at the cress we couldnāt see the roots going down, but on both, we could see the shoots going up.
Mrs Williams