We Are Historians

This week we have done a slice on ā€˜how can you shine your light?ā€™ We have learnt about Diwali and Bonfire Night, including the history of Guy Fawkes. We spoke about Bonfire safety and created our own sparklers and fireworks pictures in provision, the children have worked so hard.

Mrs Williams


We are historians

In 2L we are enjoying our new History Case Study. Today the children found out all about a significant person in our history, Queen Elizabeth II. We learned about her life and then put important events into chronological order on a timeline.

We learned lots of facts about her. Did you know her favourite castle was Balmoral Castle in Scotland? Oliver thought it would be very peaceful there away from the crowds in London.

Check out our timelines.

Mrs Lewis


We are Historians!

2P have been exploring more about the Kings and Queens throughout History. We discussed why some of them have lived in Castles and then turned our focus to Queen Elizabeth II. We built our background knowledge about key events in her life and then created our own timelines to put them in chronological order.


We are enjoying our paired reading

Kyryl and Raegan have really enjoyed reading to learn more about World War Two together every Tuesday morning. Their faces say it allā€¦look how happy and engaged they both are!

Well done boys, you make a great team. I wonder what facts you can remember?

Mrs Haycock


We are Historians

This week we have been learning about how different items were rationed during WW2. We have looked at the cause and impact of rationing and why it was needed. We also did some problem solving on how we would spend our coupons on items of clothing during that time.

Miss Brown


Old, Special Bear

In expedition today we were historians and looked at a very old special bear. The children worked collaboratively to make a jigsaw of Mrs Bubbā€™s old bear. We discussed what the curiosity box bear means to Mr Meadeā€™s dad and how he has looked after it for 65 years. The children said how they knew it was old by the faded colour, the fur and how it was really floppy. The children then drew their families and special bears they have at home. #LovePlover

We are Historians!

Year 3 have worked hard to order the timeline of events that led to the rise of Adolf Hitlerā€™s power and the outbreak of World War Two. Well done everyone. You showed great use of teamwork to complete this learning challenge.

Mrs Haycock


Meet F2BP crew bear “Sunshine”

Welcome our crew bearā€¦ Sunshine!
In expedition we learnt about the history of how teddy bears are made. We then discussed the instructions on how to make a bear. As a crew we worked together to build a bear. We described how our new bear felt and shared kindness messages for our crew bear. In crew, we showed democracy to vote for the name of our crew bear from the childrenā€™s suggestions. There were lots of names that the children came up with but the winning name was Sunshine.

The children are very excited to look after Sunshine.

Mrs Price


Crew Meade Kindness Bear

Welcome our crew bearā€¦ Rainbow!
In expedition we learnt about the history of how teddy bears are made. We then discussed the instructions on how to make a bear. As a crew we worked together to build a bear. We described how our new bear felt and shared kindness messages for our crew bear. In crew, we showed democracy to vote for the name of our crew bear from the childrenā€™s suggestions. Check the results belowā€¦ we will look after you Rainbow! #LovePlover

Parts of a castle

Last week in Year 2 we were finding out about how castles have changed over time and learning about the different parts of a castle. The children worked in pairs to label the castle and we discussed how castles are different to our own houses.

Mrs Lewis
