Superb Poetry

We have learnt a wonderful poem called ‘If I was a Superhero’ by Sally Gray. We created superhero poses in front of our large artwork and then performed our poem to create a beautiful piece of work. We hope you enjoy!


Developing a story

In expedition this morning we continued to be story creators and thought about what our character needed to take with them on their journey. We used the objects from the story as our starting point and then thought of own objects.

Mrs Price


The big and final write!

Today, in 1B we had some calming music on as we attmepted to write a whole story! The children all sat with BBC and TNT (ask them what this means!) Every single child showed progress and made me so proud! I can’t wait to look at their writing with them tomorrow and share my praises!

We are Writers Working Hard

This week children have been loving learning about our key text “The Man on the Moon”. They have been writing the different parts of the story in the life of Bob! We have seen some wonderful writing over these last 3 days 🙌🏼📝 #LovePlover

Family Reading in the sun!

What a beautiful way to end our summer half term. Thank you to all the parents who came to support their children in reading today. I hope everybody enjoyed the story about The King’s Pants. I really really enjoyed reading it! Shout out to Mr Chandler for signing! Have a fabulous half term everyone!

Story Sequencing

This week we have been looking at the story Handa’s surprise and comparing the similarities and differences to Little Red Riding Hood. The children worked hard to sequence and re tell the story of Handa’s surprise.

Miss Wood
