Good morning 5T

Good morning, 5T. I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I am looking forward to seeing you for our English, Maths and Expedition sessions which begin today!

Just a reminder that PE will be on a Thursday this half term. Please remember your kit on this day. Please also remember the Harry Potter trip forms must come back, as our trip is less than 2 weeks away! How exciting! 🙂 #LovePlover

Is that your hoodie?? Please double check.

Could all parents please check their child has not picked up a hoodie that isn’t theirs by mistake please. A parent asked me to check to see if the missing hoodie was in school, which it wasn’t, however there are already new hoodies left in school with no names in! If your child has picked up the wrong one you will know as the child did have their name written in theirs. As you can imagine the parent was quite upset by this loss so early in the school term.

Year 6 leavers hoody fundraiser- bacon/sausage sandwich sale!

Bacon/sausage sandwiches will be on sale Thursday 16th September for £1.50 for all Year 5/6’s. We are starting our fundraising early. If you would like a sandwich, please bring your money to myself (Miss Blackham) before Wednesday 15th September!

-Miss Blackham


Swimming information.

I’ve been asked by lots of children about when swimming is starting. We have had confirmation from the providers that lessons will start in April 2022. Nearer the start of the lessons I will send out more information but the type of swimming costume for girls needs to be a one piece costume in black or dark navy blue. Boys need to wear trunks and loose swimming shorts are not allowed. I thought having this information would give parents more time to buy these items.

Mrs Keegan

Year 5 Harry Potter trip- Friday 24th September

Please find further information and details here:

Dear Parents, 

We are so excited about our first Expedition trip as year 5 on Friday 24th September to HARRY POTTER STUDIO TOUR (LONDON) 

We would just like to remind you of the following:

The coaches will leave school at 7.30am – please arrive at your classroom by 7am.

The coaches will return to school at approximately 7:30pm (we will keep you informed via text).

Please take into account the length of the day we will be out when packing lunches. Children will require extra food in their packed lunch – eg. Cereal bar in the morning, normal packed lunch and a snack/tea prior to leaving the studio plus at least 3 drinks.  Pupils entitled to Free School Meals will be provided with a packed lunch from school but additional snacks will need to be provided from home.

Children need to wear their school jumper/cardigan and top, jogging bottoms / leggings and comfortable footwear.

Children MUST NOT bring a mobile phone on the visit but they are welcome to bring a camera (they will need to look after it themselves).  They may also bring a book or something to do on the coach that isn’t electronic.

Finally, if your child suffers from travel sickness, please ensure that they take their tablet before arriving at school and then bring one in a named envelope for the return journey and givethis to their class teacher. Parents will also be required to sign for this at the office too.

Yours sincerely

Miss Blackham

Y5/6 Phase Leader