Year 1- R.E

Year 1 had a productive afternoon in RE. We looked at different parables from the Bible and focused in particular on the story of ā€˜The Good Samaritanā€™. The children were then able to order the picture cards to put the story into the correct order. Well done Year 1!


Miss Wood

1IL Ball skills

Year 1 practiced their ball skills this afternoon, focussing on how to stop the ball with their feet. They then had a good go at passing to a partner and were even able to weave in and out of the cones at the end!


Miss Wood

5M Hockey

5M had such a lovely morning learning how to defend in hockey. They worked in small groups having a mini game to attack and defend. All children showed progress from last week and did a great job of controlling the ball. Keep it up!


Miss Henderson


5L had a great time this morning perfecting their passing skills in hockey. They used their team building skills to defend and control their balls.

Miss Wood

LKS2 Homelearning

It has been lovely to see some Romans linked home learning being brought into school this week.

I would love to celebrate the great work completed at home in our Community Crew events, so keep bringing your home learning in. Not only do you get rewarded with crew coins, but you may also get a ‘Dip in the Box’ prize.

We love to see all your ideas, but if you want some more, have a look at the suggestions on the second page of the document attached to the blog.

I look forward to seeing what you bring in!

Mrs Graves


Year 2 R.E

2P really enjoyed learning about Christian parables today. We looked at the story of ā€˜The Good Samaritan ā€˜ and what the deeper message is behind its story. They then ordered the story into the correct sequence. Well done Year 2!


Miss Wood