We can identify partitive nouns…

In English, we have been looking for and suggesting different partitive nouns to show how much of a particular something we have. The children suggested a teaspoon of sugar; a loaf of bread; and a bolt of lightning amongst many others. They were then able to insert missing partitive nouns into a recipe for hot chocolate.

Well done everyone!

Mrs Haycock


Athletics in Y3/4

LKS2 have had a couple of great days in PE learning a variety of different skills including; sprinting using a bounce board, long jump, speed bounce and chest push activities. The children worked up a sweat and it was so nice to see every child so engaged and excited about their learning!


Miss Wood

1M PE Kit

Good morning

Just a reminder 1M have PE today, children to come in PE kit today please.

1M PE days are now Monday and Wednesday.

Thank you

Athletics in Y4

Year 4 had a lovely introduction to Athletics this morning. Children worked in pairs to test their reaction times and then went on to doing some timed sprinting races. What an amazing start to the new year!


Miss Wood

Year 5 PE

5L had a brilliant PE session this morning. They warmed up by working in groups to stretch and make letters and numbers with their bodies.They then worked on their team building skills to map out a route to ‘cross the river’ while their team mates had to remember which cone was the correct one until they made it to safety.


Miss Wood.