The children in F2 learnt all about The Christmas Story yesterday. They then worked in small groups to put the pictures from the story into the correct order. Keep working hard F2!
Miss Wood.
The children in F2 learnt all about The Christmas Story yesterday. They then worked in small groups to put the pictures from the story into the correct order. Keep working hard F2!
Miss Wood.
Children were learning all about how Christians put their faith and trust in Jesus and how they trust him not to lead them astray. They had so much fun learning to trust each other blindfolded and being led around the classroom, putting their faith in the leader.
For our family session we are having a harvest festival on Monday 2nd October at 2.15. Come along and join in with some songs and see the pictures children have been making.
We would appreciate donations of tins and dry food. These will go to support Plover Pantry.
EYFS team
We will miss all of our superstars! Good luck in September with your new teacher!
#Love Plover