KS1 Art/RE drop down day

Good morning KS1

We look forward to celebrating our cultural day today and inviting grown ups in for our family session at 1.30pm this afternoon (please sign in at the main reception).

If you have made some food for children to taste, please bring it in at the start of school or parents can bring it in the afternoon.

We look forward to our parent experts who will help us with a little bit of cooking, dancing and cultural fashion! If you all come for 1.15pm to set up please, that’d be fab!

See you all soon!


KS1 Family Learning Session Tuesday 14th June @ 1.30pm

Hi all,

Just a reminder before we all enjoy our weekends!

On Tuesday afternoon we have a KS1 family learning session at 1.30pm. On the day children can come dressed in clothes from around the world which represent different cultures.

In the afternoon at 1.30pm parents must enter through the main reception, to sign in and then be brought down to KS1 by Y6 children.

Parents will go in their child’s class and then rotate around the four classrooms to complete four different activities.

Shout out to Atlas’ mum who will be showing us how to make some Turkish food.

Shout out to Aarav’s mum who will be showing us some cultural dancing and music.

Shout out to Aseel’s mum who will be showing us some cultural fashion.

We would also like to ask for all children/families to make some food of their choice from around the world and bring it in on Tuesday for other to try in the food tasting activity!

Any questions, feel free to email [email protected] or your class teacher.

Have a lovely weekend, KS1 CREW! #LovePlover

KS1 Family Learning Session

Good afternoon KS1 Crew

We hope you have all had a lovely half term and we can’t wait to see you all!

We have our family learning day a week on Tuesday 14th June at 1.30pm (see letter below which was sent out before half term).

We encourage all children to wear clothes of their choice to represent different cultures from around the world.

Finally, we ask for any parent volunteers/experts who would like to lead on one of the following activities:

  • Cooking
  • Singing & dancing
  • Dressing up/ making jewellery
  • Family art

Please let us know if you are interested in leading one of these by Friday 10th June.

Kind regards

KS1 Crew #LovePlover

KS1 trip

The children in Crew Meade and Crew Abbiss today have been amazing! We have done lots of walking and exploring so I am sure they’ll sleep tonight… I know I will!

We enjoyed competing a scavenger hunt around the rail museum, exploring different artefacts about the history of Doncaster as well as visiting two different place of worship!

Thank you to parents for your continued support and a big shout out to the parent helpers today!



Good afternoon year 1 & 2!

Reminder that we have our school trip on Wednesday, please turn up at 8:50am promptly in your normal place with your crew leaders! Ensure your children are wearing school uniforms and comfortable shoes with a warm/waterproof jacket in case of bad weather.

Thursday afternoon we have our jubilee celebration out on the field! You can come dressed as queens/kings/ princesses or in red/white/blue. If you’ve made a crown bring it for this afternoon, this will also be when we have our Great Plover Bake off!

On Friday children can wear red/white/blue clothing as we will be having a jubilee themed maths and English day!

We kindly ask that all KS1 children donate something red (chocolate, sweets, food, drink, candles, clothes, toys, games etc.) to be put into hampers for prizes at the Jubilee picnic!

Thanks everyone #LovePlover