Dinosaur Hook Week in KS1

Things turned very Jurassic Park last week… or shall we say “Ploverassic Park!”

All children in Key Stage 1 and teachers (some parents too) were truly captivated by the immersive activities which took place last week.

We hope you enjoy seeing what fantastic things your children got up to, to hook them into their learning expedition about dinosaurs. The KS1 guiding question is ‘Where did all the dinosaurs go?’

Enjoy a well earned rest this weekend and we look forward to getting our ‘claws’ into our learning expedition next week!

KS1 team 🙂



Congratulations to Luca for receiving the Yellow T Shirt this week.  He has been such a fabulous role model, he is a young man who always tries hard and is so kind, respectful and polite to others.  Luca you are a superstar.


It was a tough choice though as I have a class of amazing children,

Mrs Coward

KS1 Magical Moments

Hi Everyone,

Obviously last week was a shorter week due to the training day.  However, we managed to capture some of the learning taking place.  We are already looking forward to creating our next video which features Ploverassic Park!


Click the link below.  Enjoy 😁

KS1 Crew


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g-_hSs-tS92a-S5rnyxl_IgYLWBTTNda/view?usp=drivesdk Continue reading

Week 2 in KS1- fantastic fun and friendships!

Happy Sunday everyone!

Year 1 and Year 2 have had another fabulous week at school. We have continued exploring about the ‘Sun, Moon and Stars’; learnt some new school protocols; practised our Maths skills; created and painted; and developed our relationships through team building activities!

Here is our KS1 Crew video of the week!

Enjoy 🙂

Supporting Social Distancing

Can I please remind all parents to ensure they use the one way system around school and also ensure a safe distance at the classroom doors when dropping off and collecting their children.  I understand that it is a busy time but we need to ensure we keep as safe as possible.  Can I suggest that when collecting from classrooms you queue near the classroom doors, at a safe distance.  This will avoid blocking any routes between playgrounds.

Many thanks everyone

Mrs Coward

1M off to a fab start!

I think we can easily say our class like CHips! The superstars working hard in phonics and maths.

The children have continued to WOW us with their painting skills- do you know which famous artist’s collage they are recreating? We can’t wait to see their finished piece!

Grown ups of all KS1 classes… please bring in any learning or photos of your child during lockdown and Summer for it to go up on our ‘Home Learning’ wall in the shared area. We can then celebrate and showcase their learning and activities they did during this time!

Thanks, Mr Meade 🙂


Our First Week in KS1

Hi Everyone,

It was fabulous to have the children back last week.  They have started to settle into their routines really well.  We wanted to share a few of our moments with you.  I think you will agree that their happy faces show how much they have enjoyed being back.  We have tried to include as many children as possible in the video, however, we do not have photo consents for everyone, so if you cannot see your child and are happy for them to be on our blog please let us know.


KS1 Team


Sorry the link will be back with you shortly



Hello Key Stage 1,

I just wanted to say what a truly fabulous day we have had in Year 1 and 2.  The children were a joy to teach and clearly enjoyed seeing their friends again.

It will take a few days to get back into the daily routines (I know quite a few were wanting lunch at 10am!), and I know we had a lot of tired children (and teachers) at the end of the day.

Keep following our blog as we will post photos and keep you updated with events regularly.


Many thanks

KS1 team