#Love Plover

2nd July 2023Lisa Ibbertson
#Love Plover
26th June 2023Lisa Ibbertson
7th June 2023Mrs Price
11th March 2023Mrs Price
Next term we are learning the story Whatever Next about a bear that goes to the moon. He wears yellow wellies. We would like to act out the story. We would appreciate any donations of yellow children’s wellies to help us do this.
Thank you
EYFS team
7th March 2023Miss Blackham
We would love foundation stage to year 4 to create an Easter bonnet and Year 5/6 children to decorate an egg. There will be prizes for the winners!
-We would also really appreciate any easter don to our raffle! Tickets are still on sale for 50p a strip!
-Miss Blackham
7th March 2023Miss Blackham
We would love all children to join us on red nose day with their craziest hair! There will be a winner from each year group who will win a prize! Children are also welcome to wear red noses.
A 50p donation would be appreciated but there is no pressure to do so as we recognise how hard times are at the moment.
We cant wait to see your crazy hair creations!
-Miss Blackham
27th February 2023Miss Blackham
A member of Intake Stronger Communities Team will be available during Plover Pantry if you need any support with any of the following issues. You do not need to use the pantry if you would like to speak with them, just call in.
Stronger community’s team can offer Information, advice and guidance, along with signposting and support to services such:
Stronger families programme.
Wellbeing Team,
Support for Veterans
Citizen’s advice / Financial advice and support
Advise on staying safe.
Listen to any problems you are having around issues such as Anti-social behaviour.
We can tell you what is on in your area. Groups / events and more.
22nd February 2023Miss Blackham
The Plover pantry has been restocked! We cant wait to see you tomorrow !
-Mrs Blackham
22nd February 2023Miss Blackham
-Miss Blackham
6th February 2023Mrs Price
For those children attending after-school clubs, these are the codes for Children’s University.
Mrs Price and Miss Wood