Please take a moment to read this poster sharing lots of amazing after school club opportunities for children with SEND!
18th January 2023Miss Blackham
Please take a moment to read this poster sharing lots of amazing after school club opportunities for children with SEND!
30th December 2022Mrs Price
Please find attached the home learning and dates for this term.
Many thanks
EYFS team
9th December 2022Mrs Price
Just a reminder to make an appointment for your child’s student led conference if you haven’t done so already.
Thank you
EYFS crew
7th December 2022Miss Blackham
We were stocked and ready for you tomorrow! We hope to see you there !
-Miss Blackham
6th December 2022Mrs Price
There will not be book and a biscuit next week as we will be preparing for the nativity. Thank you for your support this term.
Mrs Price and Miss Wood
1st December 2022Miss Blackham
All children invited to stay after school on Monday 12th December for our Christmas film night. Tickets are £1.50 and include entry, a hotdog, juice and an ice cream! Film night tickets can be paid for via parent pay! We hope to see you there!
-Miss Blackham
29th November 2022Mrs Price
Here is an update on dates for the next couple of weeks.
Monday 12th December 2022
Christmas Movie Night
Children to stay at school after school to enjoy a Christmas film and a treat.
Further details to follow
Wednesday 14th December 2022
EYFS Nativity Performance.
Times – 10.30 and 2pm in the main hall.
Thursday 15th December 2022
Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas Dinner and Christmas Party
Children will be invited to wear their Christmas jumpers to enjoy a day of Christmas fun.
Friday 16th December 2022
F2 to Flintwood Methodist Church to perform the nativity – am
Carols around the Christmas Tree (1:30pm)
The whole school choir presents ‘Carols around the Christmas Tree’
Come and join the whole school enjoying a medley of Christmas songs and festive fun.
27th November 2022Mrs Price
Please save toilet roll tubes so that we can make Christmas crackers.
Thank you
EYFS team
25th November 2022Mrs Price
We have noticed that there are some children who still have a dummy. It is important that children don’t speak with a dummy in as this can affect their speech. Below are some tips of getting rid of the dummy. Maybe it could go to Santa!
EYFS team
23rd November 2022Miss Blackham
We have various prizes for our Christmas raffle including two children’s bike, x5 Taylor’s butchers Christmas hampers plus more! Tickets will be on sale for 50p a strip and the raffle will be drawn on Thursday 15th December. Tickets can be purchased at the Plover Pantry on a Thursday between 8:30am and 10am. Children are welcome to buy tickets from school.
If anyone would like to make a raffle prize donation, please pass them on to the well-being team.
Thank you for your support! 🙂