We will miss all of our superstars! Good luck in September with your new teacher!

#Love Plover
We will miss all of our superstars! Good luck in September with your new teacher!
#Love Plover
Almina has been amazing this week! She has worked really hard with her learning, supported the new friends in our class and had lovely manners. Well done Almina.
I cant wait to see you all in September.
Miss Wood
We have had a wonderful few days in F2 with our new children joining our nursery children. They have played really well together and have been enthusiastic in their learning.
Mrs Price
Kayson has blown me away today with the progress in his learning. He has been working so hard and following instructions. Well done Kayson.
Mrs Price
Our children are looking forward to moving on into Reception in September. These children are some of them members of the class who are true Crew.
Our children really enjoyed sharing their work with all of the adults yesterday.
Thank you to all those who gave us such wonderful feedback.