F2M painted on their features of their faces today, we used a mirror to see our beautiful faces and a little song to remind upā¦ can you guess which song it was? #LovePlover
Category : Art
Guess who in F2M – we are artists
Today in expedition, we discussed the shape of our faces, how we can have different colour skin to others and how we use a paint brush correctly. The children made a great start and we canāt wait to add our face features and detail tomorrow! #LovePlover
Local Artwork
Look at how fantastic 2L’s artwork has turned out! After a long process of drafting and critiquing, here are the children’s final drawings of Doncaster Deaf School. The children used their drawing and shading skills using their stippling, blending and hatching skills.
Well done to all of you, you have all persevered and created beautiful pieces of art.
Mrs Lewis
Creating treasure maps
As part of our celebration of learning next week, the children have created treasure maps. They then voted for the three they thought were the best to be used in a game. These were our competition winners. Well done girls.
Mrs Price

Preparing For Our COL
This week we have been looking at repeating patterns. We used paint to create repeating patterns on the buntings, ready for our celebration of learning. We then used our fine motor skills to write our names on the back, and cut out the bunting.
Reminder; we would love to see as many of you as possible at our celebration of learning! On Thursday 4th July at 2pm.
Miss Wood
We are artists
This week we have been awesome artists. We have focused on our monochromatic skills. First we developed our pencil skills to make dots, lines, shapes, patterns and decorative designs. Then we practised different shading techniques such as hatching, cross hatching, stippling and blending. Finally, we put all our skills together to sketch our line drawings of the Deaf School. Using Austinās Butterly critique we were able to refine and improve our art. We have created some beautiful work! #LovePlover
We are Artists
Today we started our artwork using our line drawing skills. We are going to create a final drawing of the Deaf School. Today was our first attempt and we will critique and improve them in our next session.
What do you think so far?
Mrs Lewis
We are artists
Last week, Year 2 began their artwork case study. The children have started working on their drawing skills, working on line, shape, tone and value. I can’t wait to see how the children’s skills progress.
Well done for a great start everyone!
Under the sea family learning
We had a fantastic family learning session this morning. Thank you to all the adults who attended. The children were very creative making lots of creatures for under the sea.
Mrs Price
Sea Creature Collages
This week F1 have worked really hard, to create some beautiful sea creature collages, as part of our final product. The children chose either a starfish, fish or turtle, to collage using a variety of materials. They thought very carefully about what colour materials they needed to choose, for their chosen sea creature. I am so proud of all the gorgeous artwork that has been created – we are artists!
Miss Wood