What’s In Your Bucket?

This week we have started case study 3. We read the story Billy’s Bucket, then used our imaginations to decide where our buckets would take us. We had a go at drawing what would be inside our buckets, then some children chose to follow up their own learning by drawing and designing, the outside of their bucket.

Miss Wood


We are artists

Last week, Year 2 began their artwork case study. The children have started working on their drawing skills, working on line, shape, tone and value. I can’t wait to see how the children’s skills progress.

Well done for a great start everyone!

We are writers!

We have been thinking about Fairtrade this week. Everyone has researched facts to present in a beautiful two-peace spread! Even Nibbles and Queenie got in with the action of researching information!

Mrs Haycock


Sea Creature Collages

This week F1 have worked really hard, to create some beautiful sea creature collages, as part of our final product. The children chose either a starfish, fish or turtle, to collage using a variety of materials. They thought very carefully about what colour materials they needed to choose, for their chosen sea creature. I am so proud of all the gorgeous artwork that has been created – we are artists!

Miss Wood


Aerial view!

2P have been learning how aerial views can be used to draw maps. We used an aerial image of our school and then used a ruler and pencils to carefully draw the lines to create our own map. We added some labels and some symbols. We did a great job! Take a look at David’s beautiful work:


Coding abstract art in 5L

5L had so much fun this morning learning how to create art through coding in their computing lesson. I was so impressed with how they created some complex algorithms to create a repeating colourful pattern. The children were really engaged and seemed to enjoy how they could be creative in different ways. I’m so looking forward to seeing what they can do next week!


Miss Wood