Investigating teeth

In year 3, we have been investigating the impact of sugar on teeth and how to take better care of them. We used plaque disclosing tablets to check how well we brush our teeth and created posters to promote better oral hygiene.

Miss Brown


So proud of this superstar! ⭐️

Talliah has produced an amazing anchor chart on the back of her academic pledge this week. She was determined to smash adding and subtracting decimals and so this anchor chart will really support her during her revision!

Well done you superstar! 10 crew coins for beautiful work!

-Miss Blackham


Fine Tuning

Today we reflected and refined our ideas and created draft artwork for our seed packets. Tomorrow we will make a start on our final products and the children will choose which median will be on their wildflower seed packet! #LovePlovef

Creative Small World

A huge shout out to Ada, Koby, Eymen, Boston and Larah-Jean. It was lovely to see them construct, collaborate and share positive conversations with each other in provision to create their spectacular small world city. It included plants, trees, animals, towers, houses, airports, aeroplanes, farms, schools and roads! #LovePlover

Drawing Flowers

As part of our final product children will be creating some beautiful art work for their wildflower seed packets. This afternoon we created a model and then the children practiced drawing their flower pictures! #LovePlover