A big thank you from KS1

We wanted to say a MASSIVE thank you from Key Stage 1 to everyone who helped raise money towards the buddy benches. We were blown away by the kind donations, which will help us buy two handcrafted buddy benches for the playgrounds as part of our current expedition.

Well done to everyone who donated money and completed their sponsored walk today. It really was a big crew effort!

We look forward to sharing our designs and the finished product shortly.

We are scientists!

Year 4 have been thinking about the materials that are all around us and deciding if they are opaque, translucent or transparent. I wonder if they can tell you the meanings of these scientific terms? We also had fun predicting whether different materials would produce dark, faint or barely visible shadows. After shining our torches onto the different objects, we recorded our results and looked for patterns in them. Well done everyone. I wonder what we will investigate next?

Sorry about the lack of photos 4H – the rest are refusing to upload! 🤷‍♀️

Mrs Haycock


LKS2 Pride of Plover

Well done to our Yellow T-Shirt winners this week in Year 3 and 4. We are very proud of all your hard work.

Mrs Graves


We know how the sun can be dangerous!

Year 4 have been learning about the dangers caused by the sun and how we can protect ourselves from them. Active learning helped us to search for the facts around our room in the first place. We then used these facts to produce a leaflet about the dangers we had learned about.

Mrs Haycock


We are mathematicians!

Using place value counters has helped us to develop an understanding of when we need to make an exchange when subtracting. I wonder if your child can explain what they have learnt this week to you, at home? Lots of us are still grappling with this skill so please encourage further practise whenever possible. There has been work set on Freckle to support.

Mrs Haycock


We are readers!

In Speedy Reading lessons this week, we have been working carefully to use evidence from the text to help us explain our answers. You have all been working so hard folks! Just look at the concentration on their faces…

Mrs Haycock


Last week in 4H…

What an amazing first week back 4H had last week! Fun and games at the Halloween disco; writing at length to answer our case study question: What was life like in Roman Doncaster?; and adding two 4-digit numbers! Well done everyone. Keep working hard, getting smart and being kind. You are all superstars when you do these three things!

Mrs Haycock


Boggledybook’s Book Fair

On Thursday 16th November, we are delighted to have local book shop ‘Boggledybooks’ in school to run their brilliant value book fayre.

All books are brand new and £1, £2 or £3 so it is a great opportunity to get stocked up for Christmas.

They will be in school all day, so your child can bring in money and will be taken to the book fayre to choose a book. If you prefer to visit yourself, they will be in school till approx 3:45.

We look forward to seeing you then.

Mrs Graves
