LKS2 Pride of Plover

It was another lovely Community Crew on Friday, when we awarded the latest year 3 and 4 children with their Pride of Plover certificates and yellow T-Shirts.

Well done to: Emma, Hasty, Liva, Lena, Karlie-Rose and Alex – your hard work and determination has really paid off!

Mrs Graves


Expert Speaker in LKS2

Today we were so lucky to be joined virtually by Meltem Avcil, a former Doncaster resident and the main subject for the book we have read ‘Meltem’s Journey – A Refugee Diary.’

We have started to think about why people come to Doncaster nowadays and Meltem joined us to share her personal and emotional story of how, as a young child, she fled her homeland to find herself in Doncaster of all places.

Following a time a detention centre, she eventually moved to Cambridge where she now lives.

Her story is one of determination and resilience and she was a real inspiration for the children this afternoon – they couldn’t wait to ask her questions.

For our final piece of writing, the children would really like to learn the stories behind our own school community and what attracts people to Doncaster or what makes people stay – so we would appreciate it if you could support your child, when they come home wanting to ask you questions about where you are from.

Mrs Graves


Winter Poetry Handwriting Competition

Have you worked hard on your handwriting this year?

Are you proud of how beautiful your work looks?

Do you want to win a prize?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you need to enter our handwriting competition.

Look through the selection of poems in this blog and choose one appropriate for your phase, copy it out and decorate it using your best handwriting and presentation and return your entry to Mrs Graves.

Closing date: By the end of registration on Friday 1st December

See your Crew Lead or Mrs Graves for paper or line guides

Mrs Graves


Kindness week💗

In celebration of kindness week, crew Brown have designed a kind badge for a friend in their crew to make them smile. Today the badges were finally ready and proudly worn. Well done crew for your lovely designs!

Miss Brown


Lovely Lena has been spreading kindness 💙

Lena made the most beautiful kindness box to spread kindness amongst her friends this week.
In a world where you can be anything, always be kind 💙

-Miss Blackham


I am extending my learning!

Shout out to this superstar who has gone above and beyond to extend his already extensive knowledge about our expedition over the last couple of weeks! Well done Ellis: you really do take great pride in your work, young man! You should be ridiculously proud of yourself.

Mrs Haycock


Super scientist 💡🔦

In 4B we have been working as scientists, investigating light. We have a great understanding of light and darkness, reflection and shadows. I have been blown away with the progress shown in our exit ticket. Well done and keep it up!

Miss Brown


Manipulatives in maths ➕➖

We have completed our second maths unit- addition and subtraction. We have been working hard and are now amazing at adding and subtracting two 4 digit numbers using a range of different strategies. Well done!
Miss Brown


Gabby has been spreading kindness 💙

Gabby was so inspired by our kindness day yesterday he decided to take spreading kindness into his own hands. He has written kind notes and popped them into this plastic wallet and he has asked people to pull out a kind note. I asked him why he wanted to do this and he said he wanted to make people smile. How thoughtful!

-Miss Blackham


I am working hard!

Well done to Roscoe who has impressed Miss Farrow so much that she awarded him one of her special postcards! Look how proud he is of himself! You are awesomeā€¦keep believing that you are!

Mrs Haycock
