We need approximately 800 bottles so any help towards our target would be really appericiated!
-Miss Blackham
We need approximately 800 bottles so any help towards our target would be really appericiated!
-Miss Blackham
Mr Meade’s and Miss Farrow’s clubs merged on Friday and enjoyed a Harry Potter themed Sports club! All the children worked superbly together. #LovePlover
I have seen some amazing writing in year 4 & 5 today. Year 4 were writing about one of their experts that came to them to tell them all about when their house was flooded. Year 5 have been writing their poems up which will be collated as part of their final product to make an anthology of poem. I am so proud of them all!
-Miss Blackham
Congratulations to our last two yellow t-shirt winners!
Crew Farrow had the task of assembling the gazebo outside this morning. Well done team!
Thank you to all the children that brought money in to wet the teachers!
We have recently signed up to the ‘Recycle to Read’ initiative. This helps the planet and helps our school turn your batteries, which no longer work, into books for school! We are looking for the following batteries (AA, AAA, C, D, 9V) to be brought into school and placed in the collection point at the school office. Please ensure the contact points have been taped over and all batteries are brought in a plastic bag. If we fill our box and send it back, we have the chance to win £50 in book tokens for school. Each time you drop a battery off, your child can follow the link (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdhcVMztGotW4k4mKQRrB7Z5idx3QzFQOsdlA3rxvz2E7816Q/viewform) to be in with a chance to win their own prize! The competition is open until 14th July. Thank you for your support!
We are selling cakes tomorrow for 50p each to raise money for the Plover Pantry!
-Miss Blackham
Well done to all the children who took part in Wednesdays Sports 4 Champions workouts, with professional athlete Leon Baptiste.
A huge thank you to all the bronze, silver and gold fundraisers – you guys raised an incredible £1287.70!
A big congratulations to Jude, Caleb, Helen-Rose and Marcus who were the winning key stage fundraisers! #LovePlover
Hi all
For our Sports for Champions athlete work out on Wednesday.
Can we ask that all children from F2,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6 come in PE kits on Wednesday please.