Class 3B’s last day 💗

3B have had a brilliant year and last day together. It has been a pleasure to have taught each wonderful child and see them grown into smart, kind and confident individuals. They should be super proud of themselves. I hope you all have a lovely summer! See you in August as year 4’s!

Miss Brown


LKS2 Celebration Event

We celebrated our expedition “Earth Shattering Events: What happens when nature strikes” at XP school. The children did brilliantly, performing their poetry and story compositions.

For those people who were unable to attend, here is a recording of the readings, made back in school and a copy of the presentation celebrating their work that was shown on the night.


Mrs Graves


Transition week

It has been a great few days getting to know our new class in 4B. Although a lot has stayed the same, some lovely new faces have been introduced. The new class have all worked well together in a variety of getting to know you activities to settle them in.

Miss Brown


Graduation Night

On Wednesday lots of our children celebrated their Children’s University Graduation at Doncaster College. The graduates enjoyed lots of fun and treats before donning their caps and gowns and receiving their certificates.

The children behaved in true Plover style and made us all so proud. Thank you to our parent ambassadors for your continued support.

Well done Graduates of 2023!

Mrs Shuka


Graduation Day

The Children’s University graduation is tomorrow 5-7pm. There’s ample parking (costs 80p on the Ringo app or by phone). Children do not need to wear uniform but may.

For children or adults who like to know what will happen, here’s a breakdown:

  • Arrive at the main college entrance and sign in with your invitations.
  • Spend a short time downstairs in the lobby, free activities available.
  • As a group we will go upstairs (lifts are available on request).
  • Children go with Mrs Shuka, adults go to be seated.
  • Graduation ceremony
  • There will be an opportunity for group photos. Please let me know if you do not want your child in these pictures.
  • Children return to parents and have the opportunity for individual photos.
  • Return caps and gowns.


Children’s University Graduation

The Children’s University Graduation will be held at Doncaster College, next Wednesday at 5pm. Children who returned their slips will be bringing invitations home next week.

Mrs Shuka


Summer Writing Competition

Over the Summer holidays, children have been invited to write a short story. The competition has been set up with Good Housekeeping Magazine in collaboration with the National Literacy Trust.

To enter, parents or guardians need to submit their child’s story on the theme of Christmas. This is a chance for children to let their creativity run wild and come up with something really original and exciting.

The competition is split into four age categories: seven and under, eight to 10-year-olds, 11 to 13-year-olds and 14 to 16-year-olds. Those aged seven and under are invited to send in a drawing and a few sentences, while those in the other three categories can submit up to 500 words on a Christmas theme of their choice. Each age category will be considered separately by our panel of judges, who will be looking for the most creative entries in each group. Winning stories will be published in the December 2023 issue of Good Housekeeping and each category winner will also receive £100 worth of book tokens.

What to send: Send us your child’s story of no more than 500 words (this can include a drawing if your child is seven or under) on the theme of Christmas. Please include the name of the parent or guardian, the name and date of birth of the child, the age category being entered and a mobile or daytime contact number for the parent or guardian.

Send your entry here[email protected] by 31 August 2023. In the email, please include the following information:

  • Parent or guardian’s name
  • Parent or guardian’s address
  • Parent or guardian’s postcode
  • Parent or guardian’s mobile or daytime telephone number
  • Child’s name
  • Child’s date of birth and the category being entered

Ice cream treat! 🍦

Today 3B have used their class cash earned for attendance on a tasty, cold treat from the ice cream van. Let’s continue keep our attendance up!

Miss Brown
