Sports for Champions – Fundraising Challenge

We have launched our Sports for Challenge fundraising campaign this week, to promote physical activity and exercise, healthy active lifestyles and working hard to become a champion!

Children from F2-Y6 have all been given a fundraising form, the challenge is for children to raise as little or large of an amount over the next 5 weeks! Then if we meet our fundraising target, all the children will enjoy meeting and exercising with a World Class Athlete after half term! The benefit of the fundraising will allow the school to purchase some fantastic sports equipment throughout school!

Forms and money to be brought in w/c 22nd May. Prizes will be given to the child in every year group who raises the most money!

Thanks all #LovePlover

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Hooking back in to our learning!

We have been busy getting back into our learning with our Hook Week activities. We have been making tunnels from different resources to imagine what might be at the other side. Using the book ‘The Tunnel’ we have then done a character study on Jack and Rose. Two brave volunteers even stepped forward to do our thought-tracking and hot-seating activity. They were amazing! It was as if Jack and Rose had come into our classroom.

Celebration of Learning

We had an amazing celebration with so many pupils and grown ups. It was amazing to see the hall so full! Children were busy sharing their books, their learning and their knowledge from our latest expedition. There was the opportunity to show off art and craft skills as well as very loud percussion playing! Strangely, there was also a very big queue at the pancake station! There were lots of smiling faces and busy people! Thank you to everyone for joining us.


Aspirations Galore!

In Year 2, we have been thinking about what aspirations means. We have learnt that it could be a personal challenge that you set yourself (like running a marathon) or the job you wish to have when you are older. To inspire the children, we have had visitors from different professions to share what their job is and how they reached their goals. We had visitors from Airline Pilots, Cruise Ship Directors, and illustrator and a Nurse. The children were in awe!

We have also learnt where our money comes from and the difference between spending, saving and selling. The children have been introduced to the idea of ‘saving for a rainy day’ and how difficult unplanned spending can be. We have some budding financial experts on our hands!

It has been a truly inspiring week!


Year 1 and 2 Presentation of Learning

Year 1 and 2 would love to invite families to visit the presentation of learning tomorrow (Thur 30th March 2023) at 3:15 – 4pm.

The children will be showcasing their learning, talking through their books and a chance to cook a pancake with the children.

Children will need to be collected as normal and then walk around to the school hall.

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

Super Spring Writing

Thank you to all the children that entered in to the Spring handwriting competition, we have had some beautiful poems handed in, that show so much care and effort.

Congratulations to the winners and enjoy reading your books:

Shayen; Shyaw; Methmi; Susaya; Kiara; Sulieman

ing Our display of beautiful spring poems

Mrs Graves
