Well done Year 3/4

At the end of another busy week I would just like to say a few ‘thank yous’.

Firstly, to the tireless staff in Year 3/4, who have been working so hard to plan and deliver lessons online and in person, to support children emotionally and academically, to make phone calls and ensure everyone is safe and well and to guarantee that our expedition continues to capture the children’s imagination.

Secondly, to all you lovely supportive parents – we know many of you are juggling the roles of parent, teacher and worker all from home, trying to sort out IT problems and encourage children to learn, even when they are reluctant.

And finally, to the the children of year 3 and 4 who continue to brighten our days both in person and online. It has been a real pleasure seeing how much enthusiasm they have had for their learning and the positive attitudes they have had. They have been supportive of each other and resilient to the difficulties of trying to learn when videos keep buffering or they can’t write on a document.

Well done guys, it is a real team effort and through these challenges we will grow stronger.

From a very proud Phase Leader

Mrs Graves
