EYFS Sport’s Day

Due to the rain this morning Sport’s Day will not be happening. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. The children will still do their races in the school hall but we won’t be able to have adults in.

Many thanks

EYFS team

F2 Faith Day

Today, we did some mindful meditation and talked about how it made us feel. Lots of children used the words ā€˜calm, happy, tired, sad, danceyā€™.
We then watched a video about BUDDHISM. The children talked about The Buddha and how he was enlightened and realised that there was so much suffering in the world but we needed to learn to be happy with what we have got. Buddhists use meditation to help them focus on these things. They celebrate the Buddha on Vesak day. Similar to some of the celebrations we have, they give cards. They also have lanterns to keep the dark away.

We made some lanterns to help us remember about Vesak.

Making jellyfish

The children have tried really hard to make jellyfish whilst in F2. They have practiced cutting on lines and holding their scissors correctly. They put Tommy Thumb on the top and cut forwards.

Mrs Price


Sporting Champions.

2P enjoyed the visit of Jason Cunningham. We learnt about his career and how perseverance was one of the biggest skills that needed to be learnt. Thank you for all of the money that has been raised. It will be used to enrich PE in school.

F1 Sports For Champions

F1 have loved working with Jason Cunningham today, doing some exercises! We learnt about Jasonā€™s boxing career and he taught us how to throw some punches. We also practised some training exercises.
A special shoutout to Jacoby, Penny, Sophia, Hana, Sophia, Maria and Rahaf who raised lots of sponsorship money, earning themselves a special certificate from Jason.

Miss Wood


What time is it, Mrs Graves?

This week we have been learning to tell the time using an analogue clock. We have recapped o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to, and then moved on to telling the time using 5 minute intervals and in 1 minute intervals.

We enjoyed working together today to build our own clocks to use as our anchor charts in our time lessons.

We have found it quite tricky, as many of use don’t use the traditional clocks. We are much more used to reading digital time on our phones, ovens and cars. So, we would love it if our family at home can help us practise – please keep asking us what time it is, or telling us what time we will be doing things – and please show us what that time looks like on a traditional clock, using the phrases ‘minute hand’ and ‘hour hand’, …. minutes past, ………. minutes to etc.

Mrs Graves
