Parts of a Plant

Yesterday we looked at the different parts of a plant. We learnt how a plant grows from a seed into a seedling, then sprouts into a stem, grows leaves and the bud then opens to create the flower. #LovePlover

Creating a flower

We created flowers in different ways this morning, remembering the parts of the plant.

Some children created with blocks, some painting and some drawing.

Have a look at our creations.

Mrs Price


It starts with a seed

We listened to the story ‘it starts with a seed’. Children asked questions and wrote predictions about what might happen to our broad bean seed. Then we started our experiment, by putting damp paper towels into a plastic bottle and sliding 5 broad beans down the side. We will leave it in the sunlight, to keep it warm and water it daily… To see how things grow! #LovePlover

Repeating Patterns

Yesterday in maths we were looking at extending and spotting errors in ABAB repeating patterns. The children were really good at doing this using the coloured counting bears, so we decided to see if we could get ourselves into a repeating pattern.

Shoutout to Chester that extended his learning by being able to correct and error, in a repeating pattern of 3 colours! Also to Ocean and Kara that worked together to create a repeating pattern using the soft play blocks, during our PE session.

Mrs Williams


Sequencing Toothbrushing

Last week we worked on developing our scissor skills. I was so proud at how many children could not only could make snips in paper, but could independently cut out their pictures. Once the pictures were cut out, we had to stick them in the right order, then use our mathematical language (first, then) to explain our sequence and events.

Mrs Williams


Brushing Teeth Experiment

Over the weekend the children were given a dental disclosing tablet – a fun and important experiment for children to understand and see the important of brushing and keeping all their teeth clean! What a cool toothbrush Ada has, it flashes red for 2 minutes so she knows that she has been brushing for the correct amount of time. Check out some of our gleaming smiles!

Brushing Our Teeth

This week we have been looking at how we can keep our teeth healthy, by brushing them. We have learnt how to brush our teeth properly, and used disclosure tablets at home to see the plaque in our teeth, so we know where we still need to brush. We learnt a song to help remind us how/when to clean our teeth, it’s been great to see some children singing this independently during choosing time! I wonder if they can sing it for you at home.

Mrs Williams
