This afternoon we explored using different mediums to do some flower art work, as practice for our final product this week. We used colouring pencils, water colours, ready mix paint, felt tips. #LovePlover
Category : See How Things Grow
Beanstalk Crafts
This afternoon we noticed our broad bean and runner bean had started to sprout and the shoot was growing. Then we became scientists and used STEM to see who could build the tallest beanstalk… Check out their brilliant beanstalks! #LovePlover
Using a knife and fork
The children enjoyed making beans on toast this morning. They practiced spreading the spread and then using their knife and fork to eat their beans on toast. Some children found it tricky but they tried really hard.
Mrs Price
It’s ‘bean’ a busy afternoon
In expedition this afternoon, we shared different thoughts about what we can do with beans. The children named various types of beans. We noticed beans can be different colours and shapes. Then we made some delicious beans on toast and discussed how beans are healthy for our bodies. We used our knife and fork skills to cut up the toast and before we ate “fork to stick and pick, knife to cut and scrape”. We of course tidied and cleaned up after ourselves! #LovePlover
How have our plants grown and changed?
We have had lots of discussion today around how our cress and beanstalk have grown. We discussed how they looked the same/different, and noticed both plants have leafs! Looking at the cress we couldnāt see the roots going down, but on both, we could see the shoots going up.
Mrs Williams
Colour mixing
Today we have been exploring colour mixing. We mixed yellow and blue together to create different shades of green, we then used the green we made, to paint leaves. We discussed how we can make the green paint darker/lighter, by adding more blue/yellow. Tomorrow we are going to practise cutting out our leaves, to create a collaborative beanstalk.
Mrs Williams
Creative Small World
A huge shout out to Ada, Koby, Eymen, Boston and Larah-Jean. It was lovely to see them construct, collaborate and share positive conversations with each other in provision to create their spectacular small world city. It included plants, trees, animals, towers, houses, airports, aeroplanes, farms, schools and roads! #LovePlover
Jack climbed the beanstalk
Sophia made Jack climbing the beanstalk. She used different skills and made the house for the beanstalk to grow out of. Well done Sophia. You showed amazing learning.
Mrs Price
Drawing Flowers
As part of our final product children will be creating some beautiful art work for their wildflower seed packets. This afternoon we created a model and then the children practiced drawing their flower pictures! #LovePlover

What do plants need?
The children shared some great answers and recognised that we need to care for plants, putting seeds in soil, letting them have space to grow, exposure to air and water, sunlight and warmth. #LovePlover