Some of the boys today were creative with how they made numbers in different ways using different resources. Well done to John-Boy for saying all his doubles and the different ways he could make 10.
Mrs Price

Some of the boys today were creative with how they made numbers in different ways using different resources. Well done to John-Boy for saying all his doubles and the different ways he could make 10.
Mrs Price
The children have been working very hard in provision today writing stories and being creative. Well done to John too for being so kind and helpful at lunch time.
Mrs Price
F2 have had great fun working with the athlete, Leon Baptiste, this morning. He did some physical exercises with us and told us all about his sporting career and gold medal Olympic wins. Well done to Oliver, Henry, Marcus, Harley and Kaiden that were the F2 gold fundraiser achievers with their sponsorships! Well done and thankyou to everyone that took part.
Miss Wood
In maths today we were learning to add using a bead string. We compared our answers by using fingers and cubes to see if we got the same answer. The children worked together to count out and then add.
Mrs Price
As part of our expedition we have started learning about boats. Have a look at what we were learning in provision time.
Mrs Price
Hi all
For our Sports for Champions athlete work out on Wednesday.
Can we ask that all children from F2,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6 come in PE kits on Wednesday please.
Well done to our superstar Jaxon who got our yellow t-shirt today. Jaxon has been working really hard and has been using his fantastic imagination.
Mrs Price
Congratulations to John for earning his gold certificate with the Children’s University. He was very proud to celebrate. Well done John.
Mrs Price
F2P had a wonderful morning at the aircraft museum learning about different aircraft. They enjoyed pretending to be pilots and seeing the different vehicles. They found lots of old objects and learnt about what life was like in the war.
Thank you to all out helpers.
Mrs Price