Nursery soft play
On Monday, F1 had their first soft play session in the hall, and absolutely loved it! We had so much fun working together to build towers, developing our gross motor skills and manoeuvring in different ways. Please encourage your child to practise putting their own socks/tights, and shoes on, as this is the expectation at the end of soft play to develop their independence. Soft play will be every Monday.
Mrs Williams
Using props to re tell stories
This week we have been exploring a range of materials, to help us re tell the story of we’re going on a bear hunt. The children then carried this on independently in provision and were fantastic at using props to tell the story!
Mrs Williams
F1 community crew!
Well done to our f1 community crew winners this week. Ocean and Kaiya were awarded pride of Plover for both always being really kind members of our crew. Ocean has demonstrated fantastic expedition and maths learning this week, and Kaiya has shown us some fantastic signing during crew. Keep it up girls!
Astral, Kara, Otis, Mason and George also got postcards for their fantastic learning this week, we are so proud of you all.
Mrs Williams
F1 – Children In Need
F1 are having lots of fun learning about children in need today. Thank you so much to everybody that has donated via parent pay, and taken part by sending their child to school in pjs/pudsey clothing.
Mrs Williams
We Are Storytellers In F1!
F1 have been storytellers today! We worked together to create a story map of We’re going on a bear hunt, we then used our story map to verbally re tell the story.
Mrs Williams
F1 Pride Of Plover
On Friday we started our first community crew in nursery! A huge shoutout to Carter and Aaron who were our first pride of Plover winners, for improved behaviour, well done boys. A special big well done to the children who were awarded postcards as well, for amazing learning throughout the week: Freyah, Ocean, Otis, Mason and Minadi. Keep working hard, getting smart and being kind F1, I can’t wait to give lots more of awards out!
Mrs Williams
We’re Going On A Bear Hunt!
Today we have snuggled up around a pretend camp fire, that we worked together to build, and enjoyed hot chocolate and biscuits. We read one of our key texts, ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’, and then came back inside to re tell the story using props.
Mrs Williams
Remembrance Day
Nursery have worked hard to create their own hand print poppies, which we then stuck together to create a whole class wreath. We learnt about why we celebrate Remembrance Day and what the poppies stand for.
Mrs Williams
How can you make your light shine? Glow party!
This week we have been learning about how we can make our light shine, through different festivals and being kind to others. To end the week, we celebrated with our own glow party! The children loved it and showed they had some fantastic dance moves.
Mrs Williams