Our local community

Today we have been for a walk around the perimeter of the school grounds. We learnt about different types of houses in our community, including; semi detached, terrace, flats and bungalows. We spoke about what things were the same/different to school and our houses. We then made a bar chart of the different types of housing we live in, and drew pictures of different types of houses.

Mrs Williams


Pride of Plover

This week our Pride of Plover winners are Ollie and Kara. We are so pleased with the personal progress both of these children have made. Ollie is beginning to engage with activities and his speech is developing. Kara is always a kind friend and has become much more confident to access things in school independently. Kara has also worked hard on her letter formation. Keep it up super stars!

Mrs Williams


New EYFS outdoor area

As a team we have been looking at refurbishing the EYFS outdoor area. We have had a design created which looks amazing. We need to raise funds for this through grants and funding bids. If you know of an organisation or company that could support us with this please let us know. We need to raise Ā£62,000.

Many thanks

EYFS team


Colour mixing

Today we have been exploring colour mixing. We mixed yellow and blue together to create different shades of green, we then used the green we made, to paint leaves. We discussed how we can make the green paint darker/lighter, by adding more blue/yellow. Tomorrow we are going to practise cutting out our leaves, to create a collaborative beanstalk.

Mrs Williams
