The 5&6 children are enjoying Nativity and looking very cosy in their PJ’s! They are just waiting for their hotdogs and milkshakes. Thank you again to all staff who are staying to support these events to give our children exciting opportunities whilst residing funds for school!
Well done to those children who got a shout out in yesterday’s crew assembly! We are so proud!
A lady from DMBC has come into school today to deliver a session about turtles which links into our learning expedition – ‘It’s our World, what are you going to do about it?’ Obviously plastic pollution in the oceans is a very hot topic at the minute so this opportunity was too good to miss!
Mrs Haycock’s class and Miss Brogan’s were the first to participate. The classes were very quiet so I think the talk and the craft session were enjoyed.
Well done to all of the above children for receiving crew shout outs today! You have all impressed your crews and I really hope you keep it up!
Well done to above children who all received a shout out in today’s crew assembly! The top photo shows the children who have earned the most coins on TT Rockstars. The following photo shows our super spellers followed by our top readers and then the children who have been voted by their peers for following the Plover pledge. The final photo shows the children who have improved the most in their arithmetic. Another shoutout to Lucas from 6B and Jack Y from 5K who are not photographed!
Well done everyone! Keep it up! Let’s see if we can have new faces up there next week!
Thanks to the parents who came and joined in with our family learning event. It was great to see you in class and we hope you enjoyed the activities you completed with your child.
Years 5&6 had so much fun this afternoon! They participated in a quiz on their learning so far. Then, they worked with their friends to make a planter out of a plastic bottle to make a pretty area outside on our playground. Finally, the children created posters to encourage others to save our planet.
The children worked so hard and there were lots of happy, smiling children!
Well done 5/6! Thank you to all parents/cadets who came today, we hope you enjoyed it as much as the children!
Year 5 went out and about yesterday! We all really enjoyed the science event. We made rockets and launched them, completed experiments and made comets!
On behalf of the staff who attended RobinWood this weekend, we would like to thank the children again for such a fabulous weekend! They really have been awesome and they are all buzzing on the bus; sharing stories with one another!
We shall see you all shortly- our estimated time of arrival is 4:35
All groups have had so much fun this morning! Some groups have been caving and trying archery and others have been canoeing and raft building!
We have tried our best to ensure all children who can have their photos taken are uploaded to the blog fairly. We have taken hundreds of photos which we will share with you at the photo event and there will be an opportunity to purchase a disk with all of the photos on for a very small cost so the children can keep the photos/memories forever.
The photo event date will be confirmed tomorrow (we are aiming for the week commencing the 14th October).
The children are just having a break and a snack before getting ready for their final activity. We will then be having dinner and heading home.
The children are so excited to share with you lots of funny stories and great experiences!