Reading websites BBC site has many superb activities and games Some excellent comprehension revision resources A great selection of activities All children have logins and passwords


Sat’s Papers Access to tests for KS1 and KS2 SATs.  Access to tests for KS1 and KS2 SATs.  


SPaG A huge variety of activites.  SPaG  activities. Well worth a look!   ix_1_-_Spelling.pdf Spelling lists for year 5 and 6.


Maths   Arithmetic test Access to past SATs papers. Some brilliant maths activities. Some excellent maths focus packs. Children have passwords and logins. CHILDREN.pdf  Comprehensive Maths guide    Times tables guide for parents and pupils alike. 


Mixed Maths and English  KS2 link to BBC bitesize.    Maths and grammar practice for all year groups.  Access to all previous Sats papers. All children have passwords and logins.


Staff Picks!

Miss Blackham recommends: A must for all year 6’s!

Mrs Coward  likes: Its free and has a huge selection of activities, well worth the time setting up a login!

Mrs Haycock loves: A fantastic website with a huge array of maths related activities

Crew shout out winners!

A huge well done to the children who received a crew shout out yesterday for either their spelling scores, arithmetic scores,  the amount of times they’ve read at home, their time on frog learning and read theory or for following the Plover pledge abs being super stars! It’s great to see so many new faces and they are all so proud of themselves! Keep it up 5/6!

Well done 5B!

5B were the second class to fill their bottle with 5p’s. Therefore, they have won £50 to spend on a class treat! I can’t wait to hear what you choose to spend your money on! The next class who fills theirs will win £40 for a class treat (remaining money will go towards the London fund!)

5/6 frog learning challenge!

Using the following link will allow children to access frog learning  the school ID is: PLDN2

Then children will need to login using their username and password, if any children have problems logging on, please encourage them to see their class teacher. For every night children spend on frog learning, they will receive a ticket into our Easter draw and winners will be selected on the last day of term to win a variety of prizes! I will be checking every morning! I have set a variety of assignments for children to complete. Good luck 5/6!


The end is in sight!

Just to let all parents and carers know that next week [5th Feb] is our last swimming lesson. It has been great to see your children grow in confidence and become better swimmers. We have been quite lucky as most children remembered their kit and we lost no items of clothing!

We are on our way home!

We are on our way home from a fantastic day out at the National space centre. I am unbelievably proud of each and every child today as their behaviour has been fantastic! The children have learnt so much and can’t wait to share their experiences with their parents and carers tonight.
We are aiming to be home for twenty past four, please can we ask parents to not park directly outside of the school at our time of arrival to allow our driver to park safely.