Thank you to Elizabeths mum, Steph who was our Armed Forces expert who visited us yesterday. A hero who kindly helped soldiers injured during the war. #LovePlover
Category : History
Poppy Art Work
In 1LI today, we have been working hard to create beautiful poppy artwork. We have used techniques that all the teachers were recently taught, by Joyce from Buzeman Art, to recreate poppies using different art techniques. We used pastels to create a background representing the changing colours of the battlefields. We then used string and acrylic paint to recreate the poppy stems, before using pointillism to create the poppies.
Mrs Ogle was so impressed she awarded the whole class Headteacher’s award stickers!
Working Hard this Week!
In English we have looked at nouns and verbs around our new text ‘Where The Poppies Now Grow’.
In expedition we were historians and have learned about Remembrance day, the significance of Poppies and recited Flanders Field poem.
In Maths we’ve learned about addition and number bonds within 10. We enjoyed problem solving games in PE.
In We Care Wednesday Crew we understood the importance of staying safe online. #LovePlover
Rosa Parks
The children in 2P discussed the concept of race and racism. First we discussed the life of Rosa Parks and how she suffered years of discrimination and segregation.
Next, we discussed how people all have similarities and differences but at times some people will not be kind because of the differences.
Through drama, role play and discussions we worked out what would be seen as racism and what wouldn’t. The children then linked this to the life of Rosa Parks and realised that, at times, some people will not be kind because of the differences.
We used our knowledge to create a short piece of drama that reenacted the story of Rosa Parks on the bus. You can watch this here:
Inequality and Racism Roleplay
We have learnt about inequality and racism during this Rosa Parks topic. Recognising that it is unfair, unkind and inhumane to treat people different because of the colour of their skin, gender, disability, if they wear glasses or not etc.

We are historians 🛡️🏛️
For todays expedition we have looked at different sources to find information about life in Roman Doncaster. We then compared differences and similarities between Roman Doncaster and modern Doncaster.
Miss Brown
Remarkable Roman Research
3GS worked really hard at the start of the week, researching aspects of Roman life. They had to use different sources to find out more about Roman roads, houses, clothing and towns.
After they completed the research, they produced posters and presented their findings to the rest of the class, so everyone could learn what they had learnt.
Mrs Graves
What is Racism?
This afternoon we were talking about racism, as part of our Rosa Parks case study. We discussed that everyone has similarities and differences – but we are all beautiful humans!
We recognised that racism is being unkind to people because of their skin colour, accent, religion – which is not okay!
Then we looked at some different case studies and talked about if they had thought it was racist or not.

How has the mining industry shaped our community?
So proud of our Current year 6’s (and 7’s!) who engaged in the mining Expediton last year. They worked so hard and showed great activism by raising money for Markham main mining memorial. Please do take a look at their learning journey!!
-Miss Blackham
Asking AI Rosa Parks questions
Today, in English and history we have learnt about the life of Rosa Parks and how she became a hero in her community. The children loved asking questions to AI Rosa Parks. #LovePlover