Yummy veggie fajitas

As part of our expedition, Ready, Steady, Grow: How can I be the healthiest version of me? 2L has been preparing food. We worked in small groups and carefully sliced peppers, mushrooms, and onions, as well as peeling and grating carrots and cheese. We then cooked the veggies and turned them into vegetable fajitas. They were yummy!

Mrs Lewis


It starts with a seed

We listened to the story ‘it starts with a seed’. Children asked questions and wrote predictions about what might happen to our broad bean seed. Then we started our experiment, by putting damp paper towels into a plastic bottle and sliding 5 broad beans down the side. We will leave it in the sunlight, to keep it warm and water it daily… To see how things grow! #LovePlover

Peeling Grate!

As part of our Expedition, 2P has been practising our basic food preparation skills. We discussed the importance of good hygiene and food safety before we began any work. We split into groups and practised safely slicing peppers, mushrooms, and onions, as well as peeling and grating carrots. We then cooked these slowly to make them nice and soft. After this, we combined our ingredients to make lovely vegetable fajitas. They were delicious! Great work 2P!


Rock n Roll!

PE was rocking today! We used good listening to know what to do! We learned a pencil roll, an egg roll and even a forward roll! Mrs Bubb showed us how to do them all! (Even the forward roll!) By the end of the lesson we could start at the end of the mat with a balance, roll and then finish in our finishing position. We love PE!

Making 7

Today, we were making 7. We looked at different ways we could build 7 with 2 colours. Then we looked at how many of each colour we had. By the end of the lesson we could say different numbers that go together to make 7. We made the numbers with our fingers for some of them too! Tomorrow we will see how it looks in a part part whole model.

Repeating Patterns

Yesterday in maths we were looking at extending and spotting errors in ABAB repeating patterns. The children were really good at doing this using the coloured counting bears, so we decided to see if we could get ourselves into a repeating pattern.

Shoutout to Chester that extended his learning by being able to correct and error, in a repeating pattern of 3 colours! Also to Ocean and Kara that worked together to create a repeating pattern using the soft play blocks, during our PE session.

Mrs Williams


Sequencing Toothbrushing

Last week we worked on developing our scissor skills. I was so proud at how many children could not only could make snips in paper, but could independently cut out their pictures. Once the pictures were cut out, we had to stick them in the right order, then use our mathematical language (first, then) to explain our sequence and events.

Mrs Williams


Pride Of Plover

This week our two pride of Plover winners are Thomas and Mesut! Both boys have really impressed us with their focus and determination, when practising scissor skills in class. Keep working hard!

Thomas is always a kind member of our crew, supporting his peers and having lovely manners.

Mesut has been working hard to improve his listening, and now is engaging much better in adult directed tasks.

Mrs Williams
