Shout out to these legends for using their Fred talk to read words and Fred fingers to help them spell – beautiful work! #LovePlover
Handwriting Superstars ✏️🌟
This week’s handwriting superstars are Peyton and Elliot!
Both children have worked hard on improving their handwriting this term and their progress is lovely to see. #LovePlover
Remarkable Roman Research
3GS worked really hard at the start of the week, researching aspects of Roman life. They had to use different sources to find out more about Roman roads, houses, clothing and towns.
After they completed the research, they produced posters and presented their findings to the rest of the class, so everyone could learn what they had learnt.
Mrs Graves
Rosa Parks – English
In English we looked at Rosa Parks life after the she refused to move. Rosa Parks made a stand and her community supported her to create change! #LovePlover
We Are Storytellers
A big shoutout to Jack and Sophia who have both beautifully re told the whole story of The Little Red Hen today, using the pictures, their own words and known repetitive phrases. This shows me you have done fantastic listening this week and taken your learning on board.
Miss Wood
Super readers
The children in F2PR are working really hard in phonics to learn letter sounds and read green words. We had more superstar readers today who could read the green words. Well done Yuuvan, Rishaa and Amelia.
Mrs Price
Who is in the story?
Today we shared the story The Little Red Hen. The children made the sounds of the animals to match the story. Some children drew the characters and wrote their names.
We will be exploring the story and sequencing it tomorrow and then making bread at the end of the week like the Little Red Hen. The children are looking forward to doing this!
Mrs Price
Talk for Writing in English
We have been learning about Rosa Parks in English and acting out her life to help us remember to write sentences. #LovePlover
Family Reading in KS1
It was lovely to welcome and see so many KS1 grown ups spend time with their children this afternoon, to share a love for reading. Miss Ketteringham was a fab story teller and Mr Meade needed a little help from Bertie Bird! #LovePlover
Working Hard in Phonics
The children have worked so hard all week on their sounds, Fred talk and reading the words. But also have produced some super spelling and handwriting using their Fred fingers. #LovePlover