Dates for the diary!

Monday 12th December- Christmas film night 3-4:30pm

Thursday 15th December – Christmas jumper day, Christmas party and Christmas dinner!

-Children can come into school in their Christmas jumpers or they can bring a change of clothes to change into at dinner.

Friday 16th December – Carols around the tree– more info to come regarding this. Parents are welcome to join is for this event so please pop this date in your diary.

Thanks for your support

UKS2 Team

Christmas Raffle!

We have various prizes for our Christmas raffle including two children’s bike, x5 Taylor’s butchers Christmas hampers plus more! Tickets will be on sale for 50p a strip and the raffle will be drawn on Thursday 15th December. Tickets can be purchased at the Plover Pantry on a Thursday between 8:30am and 10am. Children are welcome to buy tickets from school.

If anyone would like to make a raffle prize donation, please pass them on to the well-being team.

Thank you for your support! 🙂


Booster Stamp code

Not only will attending SATs Boosters improve your knowledge and confidence and give you the chance to win a meal at TGIF, but now you can earn Children’s Uni hours too! Make sure you claim your stamp code every time you attend a booster session with stamp code RED0745.

You only need a minimum of 30 hours to graduate!


Mrs Shuka


Star Gazing Stamp Code

If you attended the recent star gazing evening, please claim your hour on using stamp code YELLOW0754

Look out for a new code coming soon for those attending XP on the 30th to attend the celebration event.

Mrs Shuka


Y6 booster revision competition!

Y6 boosters have started and we want as many children to engage with them as possible. So, every time your child attends, their names will be put into a draw and the week before SATS, four names will be picked out of the hat to enjoy a meal at TGI Friday’s during the school day! Thank you in advance for your support with the boosters. These will really help your children be the best version of themselves!

-Miss Blackham
